Intense training? You must have had a great day!
Mhm~ I had so much fun! Despite the cold weather. So.. you needed to talk with me about something, Ash?
you and your Pokémon have grown much stronger~
I'm sure the weather will get better soon! Uh.. yeah, well there's someone who I'm in love with and well she told me she's in love with me
too but her best friend is making everything difficult and I dunno, just is it worth it?
Oh. That must suck when there's a third party involved. *Sighs* Well, all I can say is that you should confront the best friend...
Unless the girl has feelings for her best friend, too. If she can't decide who to choose... then I don't think it's worth it.
Ah... I really suck at giving advice like this.
Yeah, and now I'm kinda thinking it's not worth it.. But he hates me and doesn't think I'm good enough, and the fact she puts him above
anyone is dumb besides she's hurt me before and now I just dunno what to do. She might and she probably does, but I'm sick of peopl telling
me I'm not good enough cause I know what I'm worth! No, I don't think you suck at this advice at all. It's helping me think about it..
If she has hurt you multiple of times in the past, then I don't think you should be perusing her. Ash, you shouldn't let anyone hurt you.
And if she says she's in love with you, why does she put another person above you? I know he's her best friend... but still.
That's what I think too, cause I told her last time I can't let this happen again but then I can't let go.. I dunno why I'm like this..
People have asked me that before, and if you love someone I think they should come before anyone. It's not me being selfish is it?
Everyone should be a bit selfish when it comes to these things. Just a little bit.
I hope things will turn up for you two, Ash..
Yeah, but I hate being selfish! I hate putting myself before others. Thanks, I'll see how it goes but if not I'll be okay. [nods] Thanks!
You know I'm here for you, Ash.