wonders 14 years ago
what Kotone is doing?
Khoury's gible has destroyed one of my knitting projects. *Sighs* It was supposed to be a gift for Khoury...
your desire to kick Gible's butt is very much justified.
But no matter, it gives you another chance to pour your heart out into a new one.
But it took me weeks to get it at the length I was at! And... the yarn I was using was Elfoon yarn! Which is hard to get here!
What was it that you were making? Elfoon's wool, is it? That's terribly pricey...
A scarf, and yes... so expensive. It was on sale one day in Celadon's department store... now I don't know what to do.
... Belle has an Elfoon, I believe... I could ask her, but I don't think she'd be so quick to shave her precious Pokemon. I wouldn't...
Mareep wool will just have to do... *Sighs* Or maybe I could get Khoury something else.
Perhaps you could order some from overseas? Pricier, but you seem to have your heart set on it.
... Maybe I will order some. I do have the money for it...
But it might take a while to get here unless you get express, in addition to mailing fees... Oh, the woes of oversea shipping.