well, I like it. I'm in sales and I wanted something with a base but I didn't want to stay in ad sells.
So after having several interviews I took a postion with The Vernon company as a promotional products rep.
they seem to be a wonderful company . Many of the reps that have been with them have been there like over 10 years so that said a lot to me
I sold yellow pages for a some time and I was really good at it so my interviews have been for like
value pak, radio and yellow pages but i didn't want to really sale a service
or print anymore. I wanted to sale promotional products because it's more of a tangible item plus
i've been in advertising and marketing.
the up side it i have a home office national territory, excellent admin support. the company has zero date
which is nice to see now a days. The down side is i wanted a base
raven_60: Thanks for your support. it's kinda scary for me because I've never worked a commission only job. Although i have owned a company
Thank you. I'm just happy im working in something that keeps me close to what i've been doing plus. The kids are starting to
to need me more. The oldest 11 use to be so independent but now his like mom i need ....... he use to be so different and the youngest
Just like the fact that I am accessible to him at anytime. I just have to get use to working phones ( cold calling) but that can be fun.
you being a teacher you can understand my position. I worked corp for a long time wasn't really part of their lives. Worked my own business
really had not time. Now that im kinda living my company to work for someone else I've been super hands on with them
His in 6th so been on top of reviewing home work. He's just made the basket ball team
so he needs a warm bath ran when he get home from pratice
Ya how did you psych your self for cold calling
I know being envolved is really Important there days looking for a office position the kids are a bit upset about that
but dad kinda has to go back to work. I know everything is going to work out. There some thing we still need but i know that too will be
provided. Also, your right the teenage years are my mom left corporate for me when i was like in 4 or 5 grade to be full time
watched me like a hawk all through school lol
hubby been with our company and can't wait to go back to work. I know he'll get work
I Know your most likely about to go to work But what did you do to prepare for your cold calls
you know what i do the same thing
never thought of it that way as giving myself a pep talk
have a great day. It's 3:25 am here I just work up because i feel asleep at the computar
so Im going to a warm bed