Gita says
14 years ago
Despite it's crummy story I loved the original Tron. Has anyone seen the new one? Is it any good or just more mind blowing eye-candy?
latest #8
Silver says
14 years ago
my son and I were talking about it last night. He said the studio pulled the original Tron from every website, because they were worried
14 years ago
that younger people would see it and not like the graphics. Personally, I loved the original Tron. The new one looks like just another
14 years ago
"guy" movie with a bunch of explosions.
Gita says
14 years ago
Certainly more action!
Demon Lacie
14 years ago
Can you even rent the original? I tried and it's impossible to find!!! You'd think Disney would be showing it!!!!!
14 years ago
that's what I said: it's been pulled from all stores and rental sites.
Venk says
14 years ago
That's too bad that it has been pulled.
14 years ago
that is sad.
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