Just borrow the ice cream truck.
Now to figure out busses...
There's no such thing as ice cream trucks anyway.
There are too! They drive around in the summer and play music. I figure since it's always warm in Hawaii you'd have them all the time.
lol Oh I hear things sometimes, but it's just my imagination.
Dude, I feel all gross and fevery from spending the past like 3 days walking around endlessly in the rain. So I slept in and I was like
"I know it's like 11 now, but what if I randomly brought you ice cream at 3 instead of for lunch? Wouldn't that rock?"
And she was like "I'm here FOREVER. Take your fucking time."
....and now I feel bad again. Because that's true. I was bringing her the ice cream 'cause she's working like a 25.5 hr shift
Being late is probably not helpful. /facepalms
Oh right this isn't IM, other people can see me whining at you....
it seemed more appropriate than a stalker smiley.
Ah well, can't cmplain when the ninja are getting into my plurks. I make it a rule not to mess with ninja.
probably a wise rule.
How are you this morning?
(Or afternoon, whatever.)
afternoon here XD I'm not bad! Procrastinating on cleaning old clothes out of my drawers.
Hahaha. Yeah, I have a stack of books that I was supposed to put away days ago. I hear ya.
/tags the xmas party...uh, only a day late?
And at least one of them ain't happy to be there.
/glares at unexpected emoticons
hey don't! he doesn't like that.
lol now I want an excuse to get Yosuke drunk. /terrible
Well, Crowley's taking Polly out for a night of barhopping to celebrate when she gets out of jail
Maybe they could corral Yosuke in on it too
That is probably illegal, but I've always wanted to play with Crowley too.
We just need to think up a really good excuse I guess
..I don't owe you that tag right?
Hmm, I just tagged Yosuke a minute ago, and if you were still wanting to tag Shelly's baking post, there's that. :- ?
I have a tag open for that. Just didn't get yours yet and was making sure it wasn't my turn there.
But yeah I have like 5 things I still need to tag. Plus if there's anything at the actual game.
*cuddles* Don't worry, I know what you mean! I still don't get how people can plan more than two or three characters and still play WELL
You don't fail at it by any stretch of the word.
At least I did all my tags last night. Just...they came back.