yi jing is
13 years ago
a shopaholic.he could spent RM500++ in a few days.but anyway,he bought all the stuff he loves!let's give him a big clap! :-&
latest #17
edward_tyk says
13 years ago
Hozact says
13 years ago
edward_tyk says
13 years ago
what u bought that is most satisfying?
yi jing says
13 years ago
The light purple colour pants at uniqlo,near pavillion there.Lovin him much.Hmm,just now bought a sling bag at material,queensbay.
Hozact says
13 years ago
waa.... uniqlo pulak... rich
yi jing says
13 years ago
that's why i pokai now. :'-(
Hozact says
13 years ago
onesilent: you work la.. some more you're free
yi jing says
13 years ago
grrr,you just keep asking me go to work nia.working is tiring actually.
AndyLawWeiHan says
13 years ago
uniqlo in sg is much cheaper leh.
Hozact says
13 years ago
ya la... earn more money can enjoy life later
yi jing says
13 years ago
andy,you mean singapore right?hmm,din't go there leh.
AndyLawWeiHan says
13 years ago
en en. dun buy gok. the stock not fully imported.
yi jing says
13 years ago
i see.thanks for your remind ya.ya,today is stanley's birthday.you know right?
edward_tyk says
13 years ago
hell yeah i'm going sg next week...muahahaha.
yi jing says
13 years ago
*rolling eyes* X-( you go for travelling?
edward_tyk says
13 years ago
hey its the only real travelling i had in this year ok?at least get to celebrate new year there,heheh.
yi jing says
13 years ago
hahaha,i am just kidding only lah.ya,enjoy there ya! :-D
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