Poppy_Kuo dice
13 years ago
the spanish grammar drives me crazy!!!! espacially the verb:-((
latest #7
蔡蕃薯 dice
13 years ago
:-oWhat is the difference with them?
Poppy_Kuo dice
13 years ago
each tense has different Verbal inflection and each person has the different verbal shape!!!
Poppy_Kuo dice
13 years ago
anyway...it's totally different from english
蔡蕃薯 dice
13 years ago
:-o Good luck for you!!!On the other hand ,long time no see!!! :-)
Poppy_Kuo dice
13 years ago
thx:-D yap,it really have been a long time...since the day that we had a lunch together near the Leader University, right!?
蔡蕃薯 dice
13 years ago
ya~~~~!!!Hope that there are meals and party continuously !!!!
Poppy_Kuo dice
13 years ago
of course!!!
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