....which one's snotty Break. XD The older one?
lol nope the bitty mean one. the older one wishes to be addressed as Classic Break or Original Break
Speaking of, do you want a tag from either of them or should we keep them all in separate kennels for everyone's safety?
Nah! It is hard to tell them apart until you get bit. Then you know for sure...
I would love a tag from either, though I can't promise my responses back will be any good <_< /terrible at writing Break with himself
on the other hand if I never practice I'll never figure out how to do it, orz
Hahaha...mine are pretty jackassey to other Breaks tbh. Baggage all over the place. /adds you to list of to be harassed
WELL THEN that works out fine.
They can be jackasses at each other.
My personal headcanon is that Break would be bound to hate any other version of himself, lol. </Loren repeating herself orz>
Yeeeeah he's not very forgiving of himself so it kinda makes sense. Classic Break got enough cr with Steph's Break that they weren't trying
to actively rip each other apart most of the time, but there was still snarling and snarling
...I totally want to keep all these Sharon ones. /dork
But I want him to interact with people who aren't Sharon...lol. Fine. I'll be good. /grin
YAY, DONE! Brb really tagging now!
son of a....I mighthave just deleted them all instead
brb tracking things down by tags I hope :|
Success! Going to finish this year's choresand then new tags and GB stuff!