EnegueWeil wishes
13 years ago
to have another go at the hot springs in Taiwan~
latest #18
kepohchi says
13 years ago
wooo ENJOy !!
EnegueWeil says
13 years ago
hahaha~! nice leh coussie~!
kepohchi says
13 years ago
syoknya i wish i can go =3
EnegueWeil says
13 years ago
swiss is nicer~ :3
kepohchi says
13 years ago
lol duno there got hot spring le hehe
ethanwwk says
13 years ago
still sulphery
syshin says
13 years ago
but they say the hotspring dirty wor... :-& as in dont know the previous person got any disease or not
13 years ago
so hot won't it boil and kill the disease
syshin says
13 years ago
i think tat way too...but who knows?
13 years ago
I wan hot spring too~! enjoy la vie, anyone know where's the closest hotspring? lol
syshin says
13 years ago
collieq asks
13 years ago
possibly sandakan?
13 years ago
the most dirty is the fish theraphy
kepohchi says
13 years ago
haha that's why i dint go try that
collieq says
13 years ago
isnt it for cleaning dead skin cells on the feet or something?
13 years ago
i guess? but then you can just always use a pumice stone right
EnegueWeil says
13 years ago
haah i tried before~ went for the babies as they are new compared to the bigger ones who have fed on countless toes and feet~ :-P
collieq says
13 years ago
lol ethan where's the fun in that xD
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