juz finish secret recipe cake!!so yummy
latest #12
hehe...u finish ur ckae i finish my journey of pm..hehe...
yer..so gud
y alwiz secret recipe ar u? find other cakes lar
haha...ya loh...and today i eat rm50 of lok lok...haha..now still very hungry...hehe...
u call ur sis buy lo sotong
eelui my sis buy den i eat loh...
==..eat other thing la deadman
haha...i already long time din eat lok lok loh...haha...
actually wat is lok lok?==
err...something like steamboat lah...but it is just like satay...satu cucuk satu cucuk one..then masuk it into the hot water and cook it...
then when it masak already then eat loh...different from steamboat cos lok lok is use cucuk one loh can stand and eat...
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