13 years ago
cramming time in the libz 8>
latest #41
13 years ago
any goodlooking boys around?
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
^you are so shit aly_ana
13 years ago
if you like the studious types, well maybe :>
13 years ago
ohhh my. nice.
13 years ago
shims like studious types too. ;-)
13 years ago
actually there are not that many people here.. D:
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
13 years ago
who are you with? ;-)
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
should we not ask you aly_ana since you are staying up so late
13 years ago looks more like a cafe than a library lol
13 years ago
haha, it does!
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
lol that's a library?
13 years ago
the cafe with in the library bahaha
13 years ago
but i wanna see picshoores of the boys eh. (tears)
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
^stop acting like a noob aly_ana
13 years ago
aly_ana, I am with my physics hw and this news article I need to finish ;>
13 years ago
haha. physiccccccs. D:
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
at least you passed it aly_ana
13 years ago
haha. thanks to letting me copy your hw. ;-)
13 years ago
if I point my webcam at the guys here they will probably get freaked out (LOL)
13 years ago
lol yes. do not jeopardize yourself for me.
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
lol its ok. just say that you have weird ass friends :-)
13 years ago
speak for yourself shimmy. ;-)
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
ahh... are you referring to yourself? :-)
13 years ago
nope. you were. :-)
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
^ i do have a feeling that i just failed right there :-)
13 years ago
^ you're good. you made me agree with you for the first time. ;-)
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
wow aly_ana you're such a loser :-)
13 years ago
wow Seba87 you're such a winner :-)
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
wow aly_ana you're so pathetic :-)
13 years ago
wow Seba87 you're so superior
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
wow aly_ana i want to shoot you :-)
13 years ago
wow Seba87 i want to hug you :-)
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
wow aly_ana when are you sleeping :-)
13 years ago
wow Seba87 when are you shutting up :-)
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
*man is she retarded* :-)
13 years ago
nuuuuu i cant do that yellow italicized thing!
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
*oh my she IS retarded* :-)
13 years ago
no! you are! mommmmy. (tears)
Shimmy™ says
13 years ago
*mommy cannot help you* (taser)
★JoJo★® says
13 years ago
lol -_-
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