Ciro says
16 years ago
My 7 year old almost opened up his face, right under his eye, he hit a hard wood corner...we are applying ice to reduce the swelling... :-(
latest #6
16 years ago
put a butter knife blade flat against it. Has to be stainless steel. It pulls the bruise out. Look at knife afterward; it will be discolored
16 years ago
my grandma did that and it works!
Ciro says
16 years ago
Thanks for the tip Veronica...he seems to be fairly ok..(he was lucky)...
16 years ago
doing that will lessen or avoid a black eye.
16 years ago
I was smacked in the face with a wooden swing, grandma put a butter knife on it and it made the purple go away.
Andin28 says
16 years ago
we stuck with ice packs and he looks fine this morning...for someone who hit his face against a wooden bed... ;-)
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