mindbling is
15 years ago
Ok. Who's with me for the Pgh Polar Bear plunge New Year's Day?
latest #6
unclecrappy thinks
15 years ago
that's a possibility, especially since mrscrappy will be working and won't be able to talk me out of it.
unclecrappy asks
15 years ago
did you find out anything about when and where?
mindbling says
15 years ago
Yep, 9:20 am, Mon Wharf. I'm doing it!!
douglasderda says
15 years ago
I have a soundclip that says "bad fucking idea". this would be a good spot for it. Wait, you going sober or still rockin the night before?
mindbling says
15 years ago
I am sure I will still be rockin from the night before. Bet that will sober me right up, tho!!
15 years ago
Nothing like a little Irish whiskey to take the edge off jumping into 40-degree water...
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