continues to lay there bleeding for a moment. "Well...that was, like, totes dramatic." He says, rolling his eyes. "I should, like, totally
take care of this and junk, then." He wedges a wee hole in his chest and pops his heart back in before sitting up and smiling. "'Kay, I,
like, totally want to go do something~!" He declares, zipping up his jacket so nothing would, erm, fall out.
wonders 13 years ago
if he should tape him up a bit more securely or something, but he seems to be doing quite well, actually. "Um, well, alright. Did you have
surveys the two of them, taking note of all the blood. His lips curl slowly upward into a devious smile. "We should, like, go play a prank
taps his chin in thought. He can't see what harm it could cause... "Alright, but who?"
jumps up in excitement, only to slip in the vomit from earlier. He falls to the ground, grabbing Lithuania in the process.
"L-liet, this is, like, totally grody!" He says, crying big crocodile tears for a moment before gasping. "Aj! We shold, like, totes prank
((Thank you, thank you. *bows*))
wobbles before catching himself on the couch and coffee table. He resists the urge to roll his eyes at the tears. Whose fault is that,
anyways? Certainly not his... "Ah, that'll work!"
jumps up again, this time careful to avoid the puddle of vomit. He claps happily. "This is going to be, like, totally awesome!
doesn't know about "like, totally awesome", but it does sound rather fun! He takes Poland's hand. "Okay, let's go."
((Should we continue this in another thread, or just invite Hungary to join this one?))
((ah, either works~! Perhaps a new one though, just for karma's sake? |D))
((All right, sweet. Do you want it, or shall I? XD))