15 years ago
[The Genius Club] Let's play a game, gimme your opinion...
latest #9
Dark_Black says
15 years ago
have you ever watched the genius club movie? a bunch of people just sit down and answering some stupid (?) question
Dark_Black says
15 years ago
wanna try to do the same one, a lot of problem has come to human life and sometimes we just don't know how to solve it
Dark_Black says
15 years ago
let's give your opinion upon this stupid game question, any participation?
Dark_Black says
15 years ago
are you a genius? some people said a briliant and a fool doesn't differ much. a simple question and difficult one doesn't differ much.
Dark_Black says
15 years ago
The Rule :
Dark_Black says
15 years ago
1. [#1 Question] is simple question. some of this question maybe feels stupid.
Dark_Black says
15 years ago
[#2 Question] It's a general question. A question that may or mayn't affect your life.
Dark_Black says
15 years ago
[#3 Question] It's things happen around you. Maybe you never realized it but it exist. You may never think about it.
Wiell says
15 years ago
why's the sky coloured blue? (woot)
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