15 years ago
it's not supposed to snow in California:| freeway we're supposed to take is closed due to snow. it's really cold this year #$!#%@!
latest #6
stefan_6789 says
15 years ago
darn global warming
`mOiKe` says
15 years ago
diba pag global warming meaning dapat walang snow? (LOL)
stefan_6789 says
15 years ago
im assuming your joking? haha
stefan_6789 says
15 years ago
pero pag hinde, hehe um. global warming doesn't simply imply the globe becoming warm.
stefan_6789 says
15 years ago
weather patterns are messed up. places that are hot become excessively hot, places cold become extremely cold. but overall, a rise in temp.
stefan_6789 says
15 years ago
so yeah, its not supposed to be snowing in california, but it is (dance)
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