13 years ago
my baby dog hates me :'-(
latest #14
13 years ago
doubt it
BellaEly says
13 years ago
she does she is sleeping at the end of the bed not touching me and jumps if I touch her (tears)
13 years ago
why? did y0ou beat her up?
Sook ★ Belle
13 years ago
my dogs do that too i think they are jsut weird lol
BellaEly says
13 years ago
no omgosh the dog is my angel but they made me hold her for a shot and she freaked but she loves me today!!! (heart_beat)
13 years ago
they shouldnt do that
13 years ago
change vets
Sook ★ Belle
13 years ago
yeah i would change vets the vet tech is supposed to hold the dog
BellaEly says
13 years ago
well the vet tech took her back and I talked to her I guess they just wanted to try. the vet saved her life already so she's good
13 years ago
thats all great and everything but you can't have a dog that psychologically is afraid of you because of a vet that isnt doing their job
13 years ago
god help the cat owners
13 years ago
doggie lives with you bebe the tech needs to hold her/him while bad things are going on so this never happens again <3
BellaEly says
13 years ago
yeah and I'm not going to her appt either my mom is taking her she got 15 teeth taken out poor thing (tears)
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