i just compile our PIC although it's not fully done~ any amendment just work on this file and send around~
latest #20
Anyone still remember what Nat say about the cheaper price in bulk quantities de? I dont understand what he talking for that, how to edit?
all i remember is the part he say if sell to public, it will be in bulk~ if sell to school, it will be consignment
i believe so? maybe you can ask jojo
But from our store sell or what?
i also forget alrdy, maybe you can ask him tmr. i think he coming to our class for awhile.
our intro got mention we are a company~ so should be sell from our shops?
From our shop sell to challengers all this mehs?
we can have our own shop and yet we still sponsor bulk to all those popular sellers? if not we don't need to have shop
nvm~ we have company but no shop bah~ more like a supplier company
But charmaine also write got shop already??? Diao
hmm~ you discuss with her bah
you mean the shop under the import potential?
i just said it's a company? never say it's a shop wor.
we are a company we buy from alibaba, and then sell to stores?
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