Chakra Nova hopes
13 years ago
chia seeds aren't too good to be true. I feel like I've found something of a Holy Grail here.
latest #14
13 years ago
Explain sir.
Chakra Nova has
13 years ago
all the essential aminos, over 5 times the calcium of milk, almost all of the fat is omega-3, more antioxidants than blueberries...
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
decent amounts of essential minerals, fixes tummy aches better than Tums, excellent energy release over the day, very low glycemic index...
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
it's an ancient heirloom crop and you can put it on terra cotta and watch it become a pet!
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
*takes a breath*
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
The cool thing is, when you put it in water, it makes this gel like frog eggs. Oh, and you can toast it like sesame seeds. Amazing stuff.
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
Yes! That reminded me you can eat the sprouts too! CH-ch-ch-chia!
13 years ago
Oooh cools!
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
These are food grade organic stuffs.
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
From what I read, they grow best in the arid south west so are naturally pest resistant.
Tanarian is
13 years ago
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