a good night of sleep...just one.
latest #18
I mean the kiddo is 3 years old, for crying out loud!
Maybe next year?
Maybe, but I'm not holding my breath!
She really outdid herself yesterday. Stayed up all night, finally went to sleep at 8 in the morning, slept for 3 hours and was awake
until, seriously, MIDNIGHT! I had to go to traffic court while she slept so I got one hour of sleep, literally an hour.
We have started therapy for the anxiety so I do have hopes that we can work on her sleep issues soon.
I hope the therepy helps.
Well, they dismissed the charge so that was awesome news!
The therapy is already helping her in other areas. Friday I get to talk to the therapist without Zoey there and ask her
All my questions and stuff. I can't wait!
Thats awsome. What was the charge for? Glad it was dismissed though.
driving an unregistered car in the state of KS, the Hyundai 3 days before we tagged it. I was taking Zoey to the doctor!
Yikes glad they dismissed it
me too. I was going to plead guilty and just pay the fine. What a relief that they dismissed it..when the officer was
writing the ticket Zoey was screaming "I want a ticket too, mommy!!" so loud I could barely hear the cop..
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