gkb thinks
16 years ago
more people should switch from Twitter, so that Plurk gets a real test-drive
jacobmorse says
16 years ago
Twitter is built on a framework that doesn't scale well. Plurk won't face the same problems.
gkb says
16 years ago
oh, I didn't mean the backend...I meant a test-drive from me. I want to see if it plays as nicely as Twitter, with my 97 or so contacts
jacobmorse says
16 years ago
Ah, yeah. I am anxious to see this interface with a little more activity, too.
davewasson says
16 years ago
this is a little to gimmicky for my liking...hoping for something a little smoother and practical.
jacobmorse is
16 years ago
actually working on a desktop app for Plurk with KeithHanson. It's going to be pretty rad.