Mongolia is
13 years ago
having a horrible start to his day.
latest #60
Andorra thinks
13 years ago
it can't be *that* bad.
13 years ago
woke up by falling out of his bed onto something sharp. Hit his head on the wall trying to leave his room. Turned the water in the shower_
13 years ago
to freeze-your-ass-off cold. Burned his tongue badly on his coffee. Can't find his glasses.
Mongolia thinks
13 years ago
it can be that bad.
13 years ago
..thinks that it's indeed pretty bad. But a bad morning doesn't mean that a whole day will be spoiled, so he shouldn't complain *that* much!
Mongolia thinks
13 years ago
this is true, but from past experience, days with horrible starts have been horrible days, so he's not expecting much. :I
Andorra thinks
13 years ago
that he should cheer up and make it a good day himself then - being gloomy won't make a miracle to happen in any way. >A>
13 years ago
plasters a too-bright smile on his face and goes to get his breakfast. Drops the plate.
13 years ago
..doesn't know whether to laugh or cry or maybe cry laughing at the clumsiness. "Are you doing this on purpose?" lets out a soft chuckle.
13 years ago
....wishes maybe he was so then it would stop. ;u; "No. I'm not." Sulks just a bit. "I just want my food."
13 years ago
pats him, "Maybe I'll just make you something? You'll probably kill yourself by the look of things!" grins goofily.
13 years ago
sighs and sits down at the table, narrowly avoiding stubbing his toe. "...Yes please." Says this grudgingly.
13 years ago
laughs lightly, picking up the pretty cracked plate. "Alright, what do you want?"
13 years ago
shrugs; he doesn't care. "Something simple." Doesn't want to impose on her time.
Andorra has
13 years ago
loads of time, actually! "Something simple makes me think of a piece of bread and glass of water, so perhaps something more specific~?"
13 years ago
sighs. "I don't know. I guess whatever you feel like making." He isn't really one for conversation.
13 years ago
..noticed that already. "Ehm.. Is toast and jam fine?" starts searching through the cupboards.
13 years ago
nods. "Yes, that's fine." But he likes it when he has company. >A<;;
Andorra thinks
13 years ago
that's pretty good then. Searches through the cupboards and finds jam, bread and a plate. "Toaster, toaster.." mumbles, looking around for_
13 years ago
said toaster.
13 years ago
((Toaster, oh toaster, come here.. *Knife behind back*))
13 years ago
points to his rather-hidden toaster. "Toaster's there."
13 years ago
((Pfffff ilu. c: ))
13 years ago
blinks before nodding, "Aha!" wonders if it's some sort of ninja or lurker toaster, hidden like that..
Mongolia has
13 years ago
no ninja machinery; he just doesn't use his toaster often and puts it there to save space.
13 years ago
..still thinks it's a ninja-toaster of some sort. Pops two pieces of bread into it nonetheless. ((Ninja-toaster.. I'll never look at mine_
13 years ago
the same way))
13 years ago
((The things we do to our minds 8D))
13 years ago
watches her with mild interest.
13 years ago
hums a happy tune under her breath, waiting for the toasts to get ready.
Mongolia feels
13 years ago
awkward. Doesn't know what to say or do. Feels kind of like a creeper just staring at Andy, so he lets his gaze wander.
13 years ago
wouldn't really mind if he was staring at her. Takes the ready toast out of the toaster, careful not to burn her fingers. Plops them down on
13 years ago
_the plate and starts to fight with the stubborn jar of jam which just doesn't seem to want to cooperate and open. :I
13 years ago
would offer to help her but is afraid he'll break the jar. ;u;
13 years ago
..finally gives up, staring intensely at the jar, as if hoping it'll open up itself.
13 years ago
stares at the jar too. "I'd offer to help, but..."
13 years ago
hands the jar over to Mongolia, pouting. "Help?"
13 years ago
attempts to open the jar, but drops it. Stares down at the mess of jam and glass on his floor. ...."I'm going back to bed."
13 years ago
blinks a few times before laughing. "Oh, stop complaining and help me clean this up~" looks around for something to clean the mess up with.
13 years ago
carefully steps over the slippery mess and gets out some thick rags from under the kitchen sink. Hands some to Andy. "Here..."
13 years ago
takes them with a nod, crouching down to wipe up the mess. Looks up at him, "Hey, you help too, you!" pokes his knee.
13 years ago
almost jumps at the poke; wasn't expecting it. Bends down to help clean.
13 years ago
chuckles at the jump, still wiping up the mess. She found the clumsiness pretty funny.
Mongolia feels
13 years ago
a sharp prick in the palm of his hand and lets out a yelp. Now has a decent-sized gash all the way across his palm.
13 years ago
resists the urge to slam his head onto the floor repeatedly.
13 years ago
blinks and looks over at him, concerned. "Hey, are you okay? Did you cut yourself? Let me see it!" gently grabs his hand and looks at the_
13 years ago
gash, "Ay, ay.. Where do you have a first aid kit?"
13 years ago
points to his bathroom. "In the medicine cabinet..."
13 years ago
nods, "Alright, wait a moment!" runs to the bathroom and searches for the first aid kit, comes running back with it.
13 years ago
holds his hand out to her, feeling pathetic.
13 years ago
smiles lightly, patting his head, "Geez, you should stay away from anything dangerous, you know!" laughs lightly, "It might hurt a bit now."
13 years ago
starts cleaning the wound.
13 years ago
keeps a poker face as the wound stings slightly. Would go back to bed but wonders if he'll end up strangling himself.
Andorra thinks
13 years ago
it would be most safe to place him in a room with cushions and pillows stuck to every inch of it. Continues cleaning the wound before_
13 years ago
looking into the kit again.
13 years ago
agrees with that. He needs to be in quarantine today. Or something.
13 years ago
kinda agrees with that. With such clumsiness, even a pillow can be dangerous!
13 years ago
isn't usually this clumsy! He just woke up on the wrong side of life today.
Andorra thinks
13 years ago
it's pretty funny though, to see someone clumsy like this. Of course, it's funny until someone gets hurt.
Mongolia thinks
13 years ago
his hand being sliced open qualifies as hurt. Wonders where the nearest padded room is so he can take refuge for the day.
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