MEGANNE!!!!! says
13 years ago
... Crap, I hate that I'm becoming a free-lance graphic design person, and I have no good estimate of how much time things take when I
latest #7
MEGANNE!!!!! says
13 years ago
get asked...
13 years ago
it's something you need to sit and really think about a list of what you can offer, and cost...
13 years ago
best be prepared than not you know? (cozy)
MEGANNE!!!!! says
13 years ago
I know. The last estimate I made, I vastly underestimated on. The amount of time really depends on the design and/or how picky someone is.
皖 wan says
13 years ago
re picky: can you tell someone re working means more payment?
皖 wan says
13 years ago
tt sounds more reasonable...
MEGANNE!!!!! says
13 years ago
It is. Usually with a contract you state how many revisions you're willing to do. The picky part has taught me contracts = awesome. (LOL)
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