meenabobeena hates
13 years ago
you Easterner's for deumping a shit load of snow over to us in Vic here!
latest #26
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
Thanks GOD I didn't drive up to lake cowichan last night...we almost did but we were worried about the roads, even though there was only
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
a very very light snowfall.
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
And I am SO proud of myself! I just dug myself out of an apartment parkinglot which had accumulated like a foot and a half of snow, with my
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
and I dug little paths to other car paths, and I rocked my car back and forth to create space. I am awesome
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
haha and if this is my fancy accomplishment--I wouldn't survive 2 minutes with your guys's kind of snow
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
13 years ago
lol YAY SNOW :-P
13 years ago
good job at digging yourself out!
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
no NOT yay snow haha...I HATE it when it snows after January. I get pissed off, lol. Because I can kinda of see the light at the end of the
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
tunnel...spring is slowly coming...and then BAM. and winter's like HAHAHA FU SPRING AND MAELINA
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
winter is out to get me haha
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
like, victoria's messed. The next photoshoot I'll be posting, was taken LAST WEEK, and the weather was GORGEOUS
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
blue sky, not a cloud for miles, bright sun, t-shirt weather
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
Kayiko says
13 years ago
It snowed once.. not only my MY birthday.. April 7th, but Kina's too! April 16th. April snow is the WORST!
Kayiko says
13 years ago
At lest it doesn't stick, but you are not truely safe from snow until after April.
Kayiko says
13 years ago
March sometimes..
Kayiko says
13 years ago
at least here... but.. dood. Weather goes west to east. It's rare it goes east to west.. sooo Get mad at.. Russia?
Kayiko says
13 years ago
unless it was from the east.. then yeah.. get mad!
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
hahahah yeah no i totally made that up--I was just blaming you guys because you guys get lots of snow lol
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
Im sure it wasn't actually from you guys
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
stupid Russsia
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
meenabobeena says
13 years ago
Kayiko says
13 years ago
hahaahaha its ok.. I blame eastern canada too!
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