Francis is
13 years ago
loosing his voice. He would rather be mute than talk with an unattractive rasp.
latest #133
13 years ago
Then it would be a perfectly good day to pick on him.
Francis thinks
13 years ago
it would not be a perfect day to pick on him. D=
Scotland thinks
13 years ago
it is a good day. Francis couldn't really say *no*, can he?
Francis is
13 years ago
not a weakling. He will stand up for himself.
13 years ago
except that he can't speak up for himself. HAHA. "Oi, France... whot're ye so quiet fer?"
Francis gives
13 years ago
him a glare and crosses his arms, but doesn't answer.
13 years ago
"Is this tha *silent treatment*?" He crosses his arms and glares at him in the same manner.
13 years ago
still does not say anything but, just, motions to his throat, obviously annoyed at the whole situation.
13 years ago
stares for a while before getting the point. "Oh. How tha fuck did ye lose yer voice? Is 'cause ye blab so fuckin' much. I told ye that'd_
13 years ago
happen, aye?"
13 years ago
rolls his eyes and glares once more.
13 years ago
can talk a lot for someone who has nothing to say. "Barmpot." He thinks for a moment. "Wont summat wine? Might help yer voice."
Francis has
13 years ago
no idea what a Barmpot is, but nods at the idea of wine, brightening up at the idea.
13 years ago
cracks his knuckles and walks off to find some. He comes back with two glasses of bordeaux. " 'ere ye go."
13 years ago
grins at the wine, taking a glass and giving him a nod of thanks.
13 years ago
"But ye gotta at least try, aye?" He takes a sip of the wine. " 'cause fuck if I kin read ye mind."
13 years ago
nods, chuckling as much as he can without a voice, and takes a sip.
13 years ago
grins and takes another sip. Good God, he's ever careful about sipping wine. He'll wait though. Must sound terrible.
13 years ago
knows his voice sounds horrible--he's heard himself talk in the mirror. He takes another sip of wine. He knows it
13 years ago
probably won't help too much,!
13 years ago
Only France would talk to himself at the mirror. He takes another sip too, almost finishing his glass. He knows wine won't help him but_
13 years ago
it was an excuse to drink something.
13 years ago
, of course, talks to himself in the mirror! How else can he make sure he sound sexy and amorous? He takes one last
13 years ago
sip, finishing his glass, looking back at James expectantly for another glass.
13 years ago
"Another?" He grumbles and takes the glass away from him. Only France. He fills the glass again--His too of course and hands him the refill.
Francis gives
13 years ago
him a spectacular smile in thanks, taking the glass from him.
13 years ago
mumbles something about him being 'stupid' and 'cute'. "After tha'on, ye gotta sing or somethin'. Ta soothe out yer chords."
13 years ago
snorts, but takes another sip. He is not going to sing, especially when his voice is almost gone.
Scotland will
13 years ago
make him sing. Or say something. France already said he would! James starts to sing in bad French. "J'en boirai, oui, oui, oui!"
13 years ago
winces at his horrible French, resisting the urge to correct him. Such horrible butchering of his beautiful languague...
13 years ago
grins widely. Oh, he knows this. That's why he continues to do so, "J'en boirai jusqu'à mon plaisir!" He hasn't practiced in ages.
13 years ago
can not help himself. He knows that it's exactly what James wants from him, but he simply can not stand
13 years ago
for someone mispronouncing his language. "J'en boire jusqu'à mon plaisir." He doesn't sing it, it only says it, but
13 years ago
even so, his voice is scratchy and raspy, as though he hasn't used it in ages.
13 years ago
Wow, he didn't expect it to sound that bad. But--He won't say anything about it. "Goûtons voir si le vin est bon!" Hey, at least he learned_
13 years ago
it, which can go unsaid for his brothers.
Francis has
13 years ago
to give him props for that. And for not saying anything about his voice. He'd love to sing the song with James, but even *he* can't stand
13 years ago
his own voice. So, he takes another sip of his wine, pointedly saying nothing.
13 years ago
stops abruptly, disappointed at Francis' lack of spirit. "Oi, ye dinnae sound tha' bad. Jes clear ye throat an try talkin' again." He_
13 years ago
tilts his glass way up to finish the last bits of his second glass. "S'good shite."
13 years ago
just gives him an amused look and finishes his glass. He then hands his glass towards him once more, smirking.
13 years ago
takes the glass, and stares at Francis with one brow raised, curiously. "Whot're ye smilin' aboot?"
13 years ago
obviously expects another drink. Though, he mentally notes that James pronounces the word "about" just like Canada and to ask
13 years ago
about that when he has his voice back.
13 years ago
Nothing's wrong with ABOOT. "Fuck, I give up. Can't get ye to shite. Damned lazy Frenchie." He was not going to pour anymore, France.
13 years ago
laughs and goes to pour himself another glass. However, since his voice is gone, his laugh is more throaty and scratchy than normal.
13 years ago
throws his arms up in the air in defeat--until he grins at a thought that just came over. He approached France closely. Oddly silent.
13 years ago
pours himself and own glass of wine, not hearing Scotland follow him.
Scotland is
13 years ago
grinning ear to ear at his successful stealth. He comes up from behind and grabs at his sides, hoping to poke at some ticklish spots.
Francis gives
13 years ago
a gasp, more out of surprise than anything else, and tries to wiggle out of his grasp, holding back his laughter....for now.
13 years ago
hands go further up, continuing his search for a ticklish spot--perhaps around his neck area. "Com'on ye git, I know ye can't hold it innn."
13 years ago
, despite his attempts otherwise, starts laughing. He tries to push Scotland's hands away, still trying to wiggle away.
Scotland has
13 years ago
moved to under his arms, purposely. "Dinnae spill tha' drink! It might stain yer fancy clothes!"
13 years ago
attempts to give him a glare though his laughter. "Then don't do that!" He manages to get out through his laughter and lack of voice.
13 years ago
pulls his hands away, grinning that he achieved to make him speak. "Thar ye go. Won'nit so hard, wossit?"
13 years ago
rolls his eyes at him, resisting the urge to dump his glass of wine on him. That would be *such* a waste of wine. "Haha,
13 years ago
you are so funny." He rasps out, dryly.
13 years ago
"Wosn't tryna be funny." He blew a raspberry at his direction. "Dinnae be so sour. So whot if ye have a littl' sore throat?"
13 years ago
can't even stand the sound of his own voice, other people aren't going to stand it either.
13 years ago
flattens his lips and shrugs. "Foine, stay by yer lonesome self!" He's going off to drink the rest of that wine, though~
Francis is
13 years ago
not going to let him take the bottle of wine away from him. =|
13 years ago
well he'll have to fight him for it. Scotland loves wine, sorry.
13 years ago
points out that the wine is *from* France, and therefore belongs to him.
13 years ago
points out that he's the biggest investor in French wine, so he should have his pick.
Francis will
13 years ago
stop exporting his wine to him.
13 years ago
Francis gives
13 years ago
him a smirk. "Then I'll be taking the wine then, oui?" He rasps.
Scotland thinks
13 years ago
maybe he should buy PORT WINE, instead. "Bloody prick." How could you, France.
Francis thinks
13 years ago
he WOULDN'T. =| There's a reason Scotland's his biggest investor, not Portugal's. Obviously his wine is better.
13 years ago
Don't give him a reason to invest. He KNOWS French wine is the best. That--and he can't stand Portugal. So he can have wine, oui?
13 years ago
Francis will
13 years ago
give him wine~ But just not this bottle. >3
13 years ago
.....Mumbles. That one was a good year too.
13 years ago
smiles and kisses his cheek. "Merci~" Mission accomplished.
13 years ago
brightens red, and crosses his arms. "Whotev'r."
13 years ago
chuckles at his blush and goes to pour another glass from HIS bottle of wine.
13 years ago
he's supposed to be the greedy one here...
13 years ago
isn't greedy. He just wants what is rightfully his.
Scotland wonders
13 years ago
what happened to sharing then! James did come here to make HIM feel better. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO, BUT HE DID.
Francis wonders
13 years ago
what he wants, then. Other than the wine.
13 years ago
At first it was to tease France. But he doesn't want anything now. Except, hm, WINE.
Francis thinks
13 years ago
his teasing plan backfired~ He smirks, taking a long sip of HIS wine.
13 years ago
it did backfire, didn't it? That's what he gets for being NICE. "C'mon, pour me a glass." He grumbles.
13 years ago
chuckles, shooting another smirk at him. "And what will I get in return, hmm?" His voice still sounds horrible, but he seems to gave gotten
13 years ago
how he sounds. For now.
13 years ago
Some friend he is. He crosses his arms. "I need ta give ye somethin'? Euh, I dinnae! Whiskey? Whot'dya wont?"
13 years ago
considers. "What do you have?"
13 years ago
shrugs. He can't offer anything, knowing France's completely different taste in things. "Whot're ye lookin fer?"
13 years ago
does not have much of a taste for alcohol, other than wine. Although, Scotland is more than free to pay him in... *other* ways. >3
13 years ago
no wonder Francis is so thin. James' face reddens again. Lets try to have modesty. "Ye wont me ta cook ye a dessert instead?"
Francis is
13 years ago
*never* modest. He tilts his head to the side, curious. "Oh? What kind of dessert?"
13 years ago
*knows*. It's his Achilies heel. "Anythin' ye wont!" Don't trust his cooking, France. It's also quite horrific.
13 years ago
supposes his lack of cooking only makes sense, seeing as he IS related to England. Unless they make it together. Because France can
13 years ago
cook. Well. "Hmm. perhaps something with chocolate?"
Scotland is
13 years ago
less of a failure. He doesn't burn cereal. "Fine. But I dinnae know any chocolate recipies."
13 years ago
does! He can give Scotland his th
13 years ago
....his cook book to look through.*
13 years ago
scratches his head in thought. "I guess I kin try... all this fer a bloody glass o' wine!" He snatches the cookbook.
13 years ago
chuckles, watching him. He's going to watch him cook and make sure he doesn't mess up. He does not want to make a mess of his kitchen.
13 years ago
..........Be prepared to clean up a hurricane then. He rolls up his sleeves and heads off to the kitchen.
13 years ago
follows behind him, nervously. Oh, Mon Dieu, wht has he just agreed to?
13 years ago
Scotland is
13 years ago
tossing out all ingredients needed to make some profiteroles.
13 years ago
stands to the sidw, watching him, arms crossed, nervously.
13 years ago
starts also tossing out ingredients that don't belong there onto the counter--surely just in case.
13 years ago
intervenes earlier than he thought he would. "Non, non! What are you doing?" He huffs, putting back the unnecessary ingredients.
13 years ago
"Whoooot?! 'Ey, whot're ye doin'!" He sighs, and continues on to jack up the oven while Francis puts away the things.
13 years ago
finishes putting away the wrong ingredients and getting out the right ones before turning to see what trouble James is getting into.
13 years ago
Okay, well he's mixing things now--Seriously, salt and sugar look the same. He'll just dump all of that in.
13 years ago
tries to grab his arm before he can do too much damage. "Non, mon ami, you use measuring cups for that... and you need sugar, not salt..."
13 years ago
wrinkles his nose. "But ye dinnae use any fricken' cups." He shrugs and proceeds to rumamge to look for them.
13 years ago
heaves a sigh and grabs a new bowl for them to mix into, putting the salt-mixture into the sink for now.
13 years ago
He frowns. "Whot about that bowl, then? We kin still use it--" He hates wasting anything. He holds up the measuring cups. "These?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Non. Not unless you prefer salty pastries." He nods. "Oui!"
13 years ago
"You don't?" He eats everything with salt. He shrugs and starts dumping in the ingredients in the much larger cups.
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Sweets are not meant to be *salty*." He explains. That's why they are *sweet*. He then just...stares at James.
13 years ago
"...Do you even know how to use a cookbook?"
13 years ago
had completely forgotten about the book. "Whot cookbook? Oh." He picks it up and scans it. "Well, it never really comes out as it says_
13 years ago
it should, aye?" Nope. He never uses one.
Francis thinks
13 years ago
that would be why he is unable to cook. "Ecosse... You must use a cook book when you bake. Otherwise, your food will turn out
13 years ago
like Angleterre's."
13 years ago
made a face at the mention of England. "But... its in French." Even though he could clearly read French. The oven emitted a strong smell of_
13 years ago
heat since he had it on high, setting off the fire alarm. "Oh, *hell*."
13 years ago
had a reply for him, really he did. But then the fire alarm went off. He could do nothing but stand there helplessly, placing a hand over
13 years ago
his eyes and taking a deep breath. With his other hand, he pointed to the door. "Obtenir hors." He demanded.
13 years ago
grinned sheepishly and backed away from the upset Frenchman. "Aye, then! I won't touch a thing!" He steps out quietly.
13 years ago
takes a deep breath and slowly turns off the oven. He then grabs his phone to call the firefighters, telling them that,
13 years ago
No, there is no fire, just a moron trying to cook.
Scotland is
13 years ago
Francis thinks
13 years ago
he set off the fire alarm merely by turning on the OVEN. That takes a certain level of stupidity.
13 years ago
WELL IT NEEDED TO PRE-HEAT. He just wanted it to go faster......yeah he's got nothing.
Francis thinks
13 years ago
that *all* he needs to do is to pay attention to the cook book. He does not understand how this is so hard. In an attempt
13 years ago
to calm himself down, he starts to clean the kitchen and the mess James somehow made despite the very few ingredients that are even open.
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