Winyee says
13 years ago
a guy thought that he can do what between us. LOL. I wanna tell you that we don't care you -.-
latest #8
Fei ______♥ says
13 years ago
-,- XD
Winyee says
13 years ago
fei; you kw me say who bor?
Fei ______♥ says
13 years ago
dun noe~ who ? me ? TT
Winyee says
13 years ago
not you. boy lai. :-)
Fei ______♥ says
13 years ago
-,- cheh ~~ ho cai !
Fei ______♥ says
13 years ago
who werr ??
Winyee says
13 years ago
Alen Ang. he call us doon't want fight with the girl. He though he is buddha meh. -.-
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