good luck in finishing it ya.. haha
wat chapter? see maybe i know how to do. LOL
adjustments. i hate it man..
oh ya,cheryl, want to ask u,y ar,expenses n losses is in debit side?
n y revenue,profit in credit?
hahaa.. ok ok.. sigining off.. dun know wat u talking.. cheryl go help our kawan k.. hahah
if u cannot understand, then just remember can d la
cheryl help dat serious abit though she js now gt abit keji
cheryl, y u sound like my bro...he also tel me duno then hafal i want to know!!!!
dat sounds so wrong...wei i make clarify again we hv x relationship at al kkkkkkk
ask ur bro 4 explanation la. then u try to ask siang. normally last time i got prob i ask her. haha
LILIN DUN POLUTE THIS PLURK. GO OUTTTTTTTTTTT!!!! bro i also duno wt he do man...he now acca part3 d bt duno tat basic acc thing...haih
HAHAHA. acca part 3? got how many parts?
acca got 3 parts ny lo...
part 3 is de last part...with 3/4 papers...nt too sure
btw, u got do the table which one is classified under DEBIT and wat is under CREDIT o not?
do 1 and paste on the wall. then can ingat d.
u mean wat thing classified?? all the accounts?
assets, expenses, withdrawal, purchases, return inwards, discount allowed, bad debts. ALL THESE HAVE DEBIT NORMAL BALANCES.
p/s: hq tolong salin. important. haha
capital, liabilities, revenue, sales, return outwards, discount received, provision 4 bad debts. ALL THESE HAVE CREDIT NORMAL BALANCES.
yup..did it...hopefully my exams wun b tat difficult@!!
oh bt i dun understand d difference bt bdebt n PforBdebt
or u nvr learn yet? if nvr learn yet then no need la.
learn tat lecturer didnt explain...
he assume the whole class knows wat he's talking when there's ppl like me who's new to accs
bad debts is hutang lapuk. means cannot get the money d.
provision for bad debts is let somebody buy secara credit, so the seller will have to do provision for bad debts.
u see in a company sure got debtors rite, so the accountants have to anggar how much of provision of bad debts to state
it means the provision of money that the company jangka will got get back frm their debtors.
how many % of debts that the company will have to bear.
haha. u better double check wit ur bro. later i give u wrong facts, kesian u. LOL
my bro will give me "super" wrong info. i wont ask him. i check with my book beta.haha
ur bro so cialat 1 meh. later tell him dun jadi auditor. LOL
hahaha...100% he wont...act he mmg nt interested in accounts 1...
he was doing architecture then tak tahan blk mlys mum get him to do accounts cos he can't decide
OMG SO KESIAN. ur br same case with me la. mother decide n still hating the course.
btw, ur bro took up architecture for how long then stop? kesian ur dad no pewaris.
ahhaha...ya ya...act my sis got then my dad dun let cos he thks female nt suitable
cos always deal with those contractors all very harsh ppl
my bro finished year1 of architecture in uk then year2 1st sem tak thn cabut blk
if i got drawing talent i sure will do to cont my dad' sad case no skillss..
female not suitable? can 1 la. then ur sis doing wat? actuarial science r? work'g lo..worked2 years in UK's bank den now in dept..
btw cheryl, how u know my dad's architect a?
aiyoh so long also know d la. form 5 last time
oh is it?? hahhaa...tak persan pun i mentioned b4...ahha
lol. why ur bro cannot tahan architecture? my sis managed to pull through. but nvr take 2nd degree yet la. their course damn long.
duno le him..he cnt tahan stress 1 la...abit stress then canot lembik...hahha....
den summore overseas nobody to "take care" of him...i thk that's 1 of d factors also lo..
ur sis study how many years d o??
LAGI STRESS KALAU TAK IMBANG at least he is back here in mlys
my sis finished her 1st degree. 5 years plus foundation
bt then seriously my bro n me no talent in drawing 1 la..if draw boxes can la...haha
limkokwing the damn mahal
they have to take double degree 1 la
then only masters, then dunno wat papers lagi baru boleh sah jadi architect
oh...kkk....ya ya...long process...sama like acturial sc..
so many papers to take only sah bcome actuary