Havic says
13 years ago
p1 4g nice? (aha)
latest #33
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
no one ever say P1 is nice ler..
Chin Lee  says
13 years ago
streamyx the best liao
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
aih... so ke bei neh...
FaultyWingX  says
13 years ago
ask P1 go let dog fuk
Chin Lee  says
13 years ago
(lmao) 魔王迴應到還真貼切
Havic says
13 years ago
now new p1 4g, unlike before that black box 3g leh
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
lolx.. not becos of the outlook or wht technology..
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
is their service attitude..
Havic says
13 years ago
service attitude? but i wan the service dunwan the attitude
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
lolx.. ask xpang ba..
Havic says
13 years ago
he using p1 4g?
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
he got fren work in p1 b4.. so know sth else..
Chin Lee  says
13 years ago
try and let us know
Havic says
13 years ago
look good, 140 monthly 4.8m, 2nd 3rd month half price lol
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
lol.. go try n let us now ba..
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
see how u wanna ask p1 let dog fuk (lmao)
Chin Lee  says
13 years ago
last time their 1.2mb free one month bandwidth 10g but noone ever use over 10g. you can ask Danny/xpang/hj
alexwassup says
13 years ago
p1 sux
Javin  says
13 years ago
Havic says
13 years ago
this one unlimited, and give u another portable modem, which means u pay 140 can let 2 people use
Havic says
13 years ago
the pyramid modem can serve 5 pc, which means many people can use
Havic says
13 years ago
i use the pyramid modem at pj, and let orange family use the portable modem, portable modem speed around 1mbps
Havic says
13 years ago
if the speed still maintain stable, we 2 place use only RM140, but now pj paying RM110 and kulai paying RM60
FaultyWingX  says
13 years ago
If loh, P1 is 讲天下无敌,用时就无能为力
alexwassup says
13 years ago
now u pay 170 2 place can use.. later u pay 140 2 place also cannot use. which 1 more value?
clubby88 says
13 years ago
i hate p1 , bt is 3g la... :-&
Havic says
13 years ago
(doh) 14th floor no line
clubby88 says
13 years ago
Havic says
13 years ago
ya lo sien abuthen is quite good
Javin  says
13 years ago
so which one is good
Havic says
13 years ago
p1 is good, but 14th floor no line (lmao)
clubby88 says
13 years ago
Javin  says
13 years ago
unify (rock)
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