jnelson2 was
13 years ago
hammered on an eval for a presentation I gave. I apparently offended someone. I hate the idea that someone felt offended!
latest #8
TammyW says
13 years ago
I know what you mean. I can have one bad evaluation out of 100 and still lose a night's sleep...
TammyW says
13 years ago
What was your topic?
ericcole says
13 years ago
I have one teacher from my County who comes to PD and always nukes me.
congerjan says
13 years ago
It is always the person that sat next to me in my library classes that nukes me!
lavoyta says
13 years ago
How many positive responses?
jnelson2 says
13 years ago
my topic was Positive Behavior Intervention. A lot of great responses, which I don't overlook. Good suggestions for next time as well.
giftedgal says
13 years ago
it could be a sign that you raised an issue that struck close to home for them. Tat would be a good thing then. Right?
giftedgal says
13 years ago
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