Prince of Moe
13 years ago
(meme ) What's made me nervous about playing my characters?
latest #20
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
Short answer? Everything.
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
But in all seriousness, it's really the little details that get to me in RP.
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
It's really just like... what divides my stuff between the mediocre and what's awesome? I can never really find it
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
And lately I feel like I've been slipping, a lot. And the haters have been coming in flocks
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
Which I know I shouldn't care about, but when every time you turn around you feel like someone else is either bitching about you personally
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
or your characters, it's just... kind of sucks.
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
So really I guess it's the fanbase that makes me nervous? Like I wish I could find a character I'm really good at and know I'm really good
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
at playing them. Because right now I don't feel like I have that at all
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
And as much as I wish I could say 'haters to the left', a lot of them are right. i'm fucking up. I can't keep my activity up, not because I
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
don't have time to tag, but because I'm actually becoming paranoid.
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
I never know if I'm doin' it right anymore. I always feel like something's wrong, and as more and more people around me become like, fucking
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
character legends, I can't seem to find my footing anymore
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
I've been doing LJRP for... shit, a long time now, almost 5 years. And I guess it was excuseable when I was a wee petit babby but now I'm
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
just not. And. Idk. Paranoid. Fun fact: My biggest fear is fading into obscurity. I know it's indulgent and self-absorbed but I feed off of
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
attention. And being insecure of myself is killing me and my characterization.
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
... Wow, this turned into my bitchrant, whoops. Er. Sorry about that. Needed to get it off my chest, I suppose.
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
I just... need to find something I love about my characters that I feel I do right. Which right now, is absolutely nothing, and I don't know
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
what to do :|
Prince of Moe
13 years ago
gonna. just. go over here idk. try to do tags and pick myself up
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