13 years ago
put plurk on vacation mode, as I'm kinda over this whole plurking thing, but don't want to lose my karma
latest #8
RenegadeScribe says
13 years ago
Yeah, I know what you mean. I may do the same.
RenegadeScribe says
13 years ago
So, then, what is your thing then? Twitter?
wRitErsbLock says
13 years ago
I'm checking twitter more than plurk, though still not big on tweeting.
wRitErsbLock says
13 years ago
truth is, i just got an ipad, and twitter is way more ipad friendly than plurk
wRitErsbLock says
13 years ago
and of course, time suck facebook
wRitErsbLock says
13 years ago
I think my hedgehog tweets more than i do! she's pinelopehedgie if you're interested
RenegadeScribe says
13 years ago
What's your twitter account? I'm not sure I'm following it.
wRitErsbLock says
13 years ago
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