ruionkoh will
15 years ago
you still expect smses from your partner when he/she says dont expect much from him/her?
latest #161
WenPink says
15 years ago
awww i know exactly how it feels! im well trained dy
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
I expected Alil more than seriously.T.T
WenPink says
15 years ago
so u get disappointed!!! WELCOME TO MY WORLD BABEH!
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
lol. i think i will go beyond ur world.As im going back college soon.tsk.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
and din u feel weird?its awiz the girl that complain for not having enough attention but in my case it seems to be the opposite way lol.
WenPink says
15 years ago
(drinking) we r the good bf/gf~ we should go celebrate instead of emo-ing here~
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
WenPink says
15 years ago
and u will need tzelih to cheer u up!! ask him to sing Pretty Woman for u wey! LOLS
WenPink says
15 years ago
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
Babi TL. Maybe I shall turn ghay wif TL when im not out lol.
WenPink says
15 years ago
and to whom i should turn les? NO ONE WEY!
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
dammit literally ghay, of coz you know the ghayness i meant wont feel up the emptiness lol. TL soon to be "busily in love" too lol
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
no lehh if i turn ghey then wenpink doesnt want to listen to my singing anymore T_____T
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
LOL busily in love
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
eh brudder chill lah she needs time
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
her first time right ?
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
TL, I dont think it will change tho tsk
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
its her way of committing.
WenPink says
15 years ago
maybe shes not into clingy bf~
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
i doubt.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
*deep sigh
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
the more i do the more i feel im off the edge...
WenPink says
15 years ago
she needs a lot of space even tho shes committed!
WenPink says
15 years ago
maybe shes testing u!!! u guys are newly wed.. oopsi mean couple!
ruionkoh says
15 years ago it should be er one week meet once or two week once or even 1 month once would be more than enuf?>,
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
zzz whoppsy pulak
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
WP, I am trying my very best to mend things up.
WenPink says
15 years ago
yes.. i think shes looking for tat
WenPink says
15 years ago
i used to be like tat too... once a week for me
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
she doesnt wan me to "spam" her blog cbox and asked me to spam her phone enuf but she said dun expect much smses frm her.tsk
WenPink says
15 years ago
i think u r too used to ur ex' clingy rand i relationship yea?
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
indeeed TL.
WenPink says
15 years ago
ur ex' clingy relationship*
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
maybe WP. But I am not smsing like 24/7.
WenPink says
15 years ago
how long is ur r/s with her?
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
perhaps like you suddenly stop sms her or what
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
then she'll automatically sms you
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
what';s her horoscope
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
taurus ?
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
Leo TL.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
WP we just started. almost a month.I have prepared myself to be fully committed and it seems that im doing it overly. tsk
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
she's going out..i mean wp
WenPink says
15 years ago
maybe shes not ready to tell the world about u yet.. its very new still
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
yea it's new for her...she not yet get used to it lehh
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
no no. wp, she is. she even brought me to her family dinner xmas eve and im kinda touched by tat.honoured tho.
WenPink says
15 years ago
image if she reads this.. its gonna make everythign worse
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
TL, maybe ..but i seriously doubt this is gonna last forever. because I dun even have a chance to really communicate wif her u see?
WenPink says
15 years ago
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
p/s: not even phone calls.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
WP, maybe...but i have no where to rant anymroe can i?
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
all the time i feel so helpless looking at my own gf number, wanna call but i cnt wanna msg but wait she feels annoyed.wOOt.
WenPink says
15 years ago
i suggest u delete this plurk later when its ended
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
nah, I dun wanna hide things from her. If i did say it , il just admit it. i mean when u r in a relationshp wats the point of hidin rite
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
nyway sorry peeps for the ranting.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
and thanks.
WenPink says
15 years ago
don be sorry~ thrs nothing to be sry about
WenPink says
15 years ago
(cozy) cheer up
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
lol im used to saying that.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
thanks wp.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
bf comin back nytime soon?
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
TL dead?thanks brada for being there all the time. tsk.
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
sorry i was in the TOILET
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
i now sesated
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
lol tats a thing called scroll up :-P
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
hmm well rui ah rui....give her more time and see
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
lol in a week + time im back to college. and I see the coming nightmare to
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
yeah not giving up of coz.lets just hope for the best. tsk
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
let time tells okayy
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
there's this thing i alwasy say no rush in love
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
lol yeah i know tat too (respect TL for 2 years waiting) haha.
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
and from elvis' song i quote...."...only fools rush in"
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
LOL 2years you think easy ahh ?
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
i also die die lehh
ruionkoh is
15 years ago
a fool. onh noes
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
die die wait
ruionkoh is
15 years ago
i die die wun give up too lol.
ruionkoh is
15 years ago
im just too woried that I am forced to give up oneday
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
yea...let's be optimistic
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
you should read the mook The Secret
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
think good way it'll turn out good
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
the law of attraction
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
i am reading the men are frm mars and women are frm venus. iv learnt alot
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
but tat 1 theory nia lol
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
theory but what the heck
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
not hypothesis...theory means proven
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
brada, i wish for the best but well the absence of communication in a -not-so-long distance relationship..wel..i doubt
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
but seriously lah i feel abit odd lor
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
imagine *cricket sound* from mon-fri. and u meet on da weekend, wun u feel strange?lol
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
ldr ...sms + phone calls is like so vital lehh
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
brada, u r realy my brada.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
im not worrying for now as im still in malacca but long term wise..this is like frigging unhealthy
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
abit lor
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
ruionkoh asks
15 years ago
do you hate yourself when you are obsessed with your girl?lol
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
nvr ask her why /
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
WenPink says
15 years ago
(cozy) cheer up rui~ im going out now.. ttyl
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
but i try to control muaiself
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
dont show out that you're despo even you are
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
lol im not being a despo lar brada. you know it well dun u.well im just taking this relationship seriously. its not a puppy love to me.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
TL, you will treasured urs as much as i do when you have your loved one by urside too :-)
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
i know i know
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
well all i can say now is wait and see how
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
lol yeah of coz im waiting. m just ranting here.
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
hahaha yea..sometimes you'll feel better after ranting out
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
its just that i couldnt imagine how would it be when im back to college lol.
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
dont imagine
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
she'll be going which college?
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
very much better. I have tried to control myself frm ranting while ago..tats why some of my previous plurk u couldnt undstnd lol.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
she will be startin her intake soon in a malaca college. hope she cn do well. i mean shudnt be a problem haha.
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
meet once a week ?
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
thats if I dont have any sickening assignment spree.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
now you know why I worry ler.
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
i see.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
haih cnt wait to graduate.,
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
3moreyears ?
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
2 more either end of 2010 or earlier 2011.
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
haha you go form6 lar go sumo, my baby will be graduating as the same year as you do haha
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
LOL cilaka i'll be going oversea lehh
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
oh noes. my councilor will be going off.tsk. like tat nilai sien alrdy lar.
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
come to inti..HAHAH
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
lol i will drag u out when i have car. of coz not wif my coll scheduled buses. lol i dam malas tat 1
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
buses...sien leh
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
good car must ask me out
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
no matter how must ask me out wtf
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
haha and we shall go to ur PD for seafood?
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
you pay
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
babi ask me drive ask me pay sumore. -_-
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
ngek ngek ngek
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
we go kensington makan
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
wtf is tat
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
fresh oysters...malam tarak boleh tido
MbeautyStudioZ says
15 years ago
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
lol. another random girl who needs attention frm partner. but im a
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
im not gay
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
huh wat talk you. im saying the "babymag88" is responding to my plurk ler.
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
im saying im not gay
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
-_- nobody mentioned you as one -__-
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
im just saying
TzeLih™ says
15 years ago
BernardGT feels
15 years ago
that WHY NOT Rui???
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
haha so im not the weird guy.
MbeautyStudioZ says
15 years ago
=/ i need attention from my partner? hmmm....but we werent real partners b4... =/
ruionkoh says
15 years ago
er.what talk you.mi no understand.
MbeautyStudioZ says
15 years ago
=.= sienz...
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