3 more weeks to the end of this semester, bt i feel like its already summer break since now XD
latest #26
i mean...its really like holiday recently XD since ive already done almost everything wahaha
So you can come back eailer~ I feel so bored recently!!
i cant change the ticket.......
so sad. I am looking for someone to go shopping with me.
i am going to shopping this afternoon cus there is a big discount!!!
OH~NO I should asked u to help me to check if Roots is cheaper in USA.
i will check it for u today
thanks~I want to buy a winter T-shirt.
我應該明天先去101門市看款式 聽說他們帽T都不會起毛球 感覺很棒
我本來拖阿姨從加拿大代ROOTS 可是好像沒比較便宜 就沒買了 囧
但我看網站上標的價格大約便宜500~1000台幣耶 還是因為現在美金低
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