girlymom wants
16 years ago
to have a taste tripping party. Anybody been to one?
latest #7
mommylicious says
16 years ago
no but that sounds interesting!
Cosey Mo says
16 years ago
wow - I totally want to try that now!!!
girlymom says
16 years ago
me too. Maybe my kids would eat more veggies!
Cosey Mo has
16 years ago
been trying to figure out a way to get her kids to eat them as well
girlymom asks
16 years ago
what did I do wrong? I see other people's kids eating raw veggies. Mine won't touch them.
Cosey Mo says
16 years ago
I blame my husband - he won't eat anything that isn't processed and packaged
girlymom says
16 years ago
same here!
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