britanyk is
13 years ago
still alive. It's forever since I peeked in here. Things still look the same. Hey everyone!
latest #21
Metalligirl says
13 years ago
Hey Brit! Yep, pretty much everything is same old, same old out here.
Metalligirl says
13 years ago
How are you? Kiddies driving you nuts?
13 years ago
CJ Dawn says
13 years ago
CK's Iggy says
13 years ago
Hi Brit! It's so great to "see" you!
Panns says
13 years ago
Howdy Brit!! Good to see you!!
britanyk says
13 years ago
wow great to see evryone. The kids are fine now that the weather is moving slowly toward spring they are out of my hair more. Getting ready
britanyk says
13 years ago
to send the 3rd one off to kindergarten next year yay! still have my little guy to keep me busy.
britanyk says
13 years ago
I thought I'd check back in now that show is FINALLY COMMING BACK!!!
WhimsyWooooo says
13 years ago
(cozy) It's good to see you, Brit!
Panns says
13 years ago
Yay for the show!!! I'm really excited for the next month and a half!!
Panns says
13 years ago
How are your little ones doing in school? Are they starting to look forward to the summer?
Supernatural_forever says
13 years ago
Hey Hi Brit!!!!! (cozy)
13 years ago
Hi Brit, good to see you! (cozy)
britanyk says
13 years ago
gotta run out. C U Later
13 years ago
Good to see you, Brit! (wave)
Panns says
13 years ago
Deblu says
13 years ago
Hi Brit!!
13 years ago
(wave) Hi and bye! :-(
ZnowFrog says
13 years ago
Drat...missed you Brit! (wave)
MMJ says
13 years ago
britanyk: Good to have ya back!
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