skynet return! deler
13 years ago why do i even play you, mister
latest #16
that had made maka die a little inside
it was entertaining to me
skynet return! siger
13 years ago
is that why sid is a zombie did black*star make him die inside too much
skynet return! siger
13 years ago
honestly the more absolutely ri~di~cu~lous he gets, the more i love playing him
skynet return! siger
13 years ago
i actually do not understand why most games either do not have him or actually pretend he does not exist
skynet return! siger
13 years ago
black*star is a wonderful character
it's a fair point
since you are the first person i know who has played him and the only person and i have been roleplaying soul eater since, ah, 2009
you only started in february so that really makes it a shame
that there seems to be very fea
skynet return! siger
13 years ago
that is why he is usually my default app
skynet return! siger
13 years ago
spread it around...
skynet return! siger
13 years ago
I am just not sure if I want him at the Grove; this is a tangent note but... I cannot figure out what I would even do with him
skynet return! siger
13 years ago
actually his lineage might pair well with the black lodge, huh...
skynet return! siger
13 years ago
but that proposal right there is pretty astounding since of what lodges maa and soul have
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