Basch feels
13 years ago
like he hasn't seen Thora in a while. He decides to call her.
latest #142
13 years ago
looks up from her paperwork when she hears the phone ring. Her stomach gurgled uneasily when she saw Basch's name on the caller ID. "Hey."
13 years ago
freezes when he hears her voice, but calms himself down. "Hallo." He said quietly. "Sorry I haven't called sooner." Work had taken over for_
13 years ago
a while.
13 years ago
tried not to smile as she set her pen down on the table. "It's fine."
13 years ago
still feels guilty. "How are you?"
13 years ago
"I'm well; I've been busy with a lot of work." She admitted, looking down at the stack of paper with a glare. She hated working. "You?"
13 years ago
could related. "Ja, I have been busy with work as well."
13 years ago
nodded, even though he couldn't see it. It was kind of nice to hear his voice. Maybe he wasn't going to disappear on her after-all.
13 years ago
looks out the window, cheeks flushing a little. "I miss you."
13 years ago
isn't quite sure how to respond to that, so she remains silent for a few seconds. "You're more than welcome to visit me if you'd like…" It_
13 years ago
wasn't as though it was *her* fault they hadn't seen one another recently.
13 years ago
does not blame her. He was just stating his thoughts. "Are you free now?"
13 years ago
looked down at the stack of papers that were due the following morning… "I don't have anything important to do."
13 years ago
would scold her if he knew. "I'll come then."
Thora will
13 years ago
have plenty of time to finish them later. "Okay. I'll see you soon." She said with a slight smile; She would work until he got there, and_
13 years ago
finish it up after they hung out.
13 years ago
straightens up his desk, his stomach churning in his nervousness. But he was excited and eager to go. Once he was done, he set off to her_
13 years ago
13 years ago
didn't get much paperwork done and opted instead to pace somewhat stiffly in the kitchen in rhythm with the dripping of the coffee pot.
13 years ago
shows up at her door with some flowers and a basket of goodies a while later.
13 years ago
quickly cleaned the kitchen and stuffed her stack of paperwork in to a desk. She'd work on it once he left. She pulled a tablecloth over the
13 years ago
kitchen table to make it look somewhat nice. She told herself that it was just like having normal company, and that she shouldn't feel so_
13 years ago
uneasy about seeing him.
13 years ago
knocks on the door, waiting nervously.
13 years ago
jumps and lets out a quiet shriek at the knock that pulled her from her thoughts. She took a deep breath and walked towards the door,_
13 years ago
opening it extremely slowly before staring at him with as blank of an expression as she could muster.
13 years ago
stares back at her, before finding it to be an uncomfortable exchange. He instead offers the flowers.
13 years ago
blinked towards the flowers before daftly asking, "Are they for me?" They were quite pretty, and she didn't get flowers often.
13 years ago
nods to her. "Of course."
13 years ago
looks at them with a small smile. "Thank you."
Basch is
13 years ago
happy to see her smile. 'I am glad you like them."
13 years ago
nods. "They're beautiful." She said with a smile as she glanced back at him and realized that she hadn't invited him in and they were still_
13 years ago
standing awkwardly in the doorway. She tried to push away the feeling in her chest as her heart raced nervously and cursed mentally at the_
13 years ago
sensation, tightening her hold on the flowers very lightly. "Do you want to come in?" She asked him and moved to the side so that he had_
13 years ago
room to enter.
13 years ago
enters at her invitations, that feeling of nervousness and butterflies in the stomach quite prevalent. "Ja, Danke."
13 years ago
shut the door behind him and walked in to the kitchen to get a vase for the flowers. "Uh… Do you want some coffee?"
13 years ago
pauses. "Cocoa if you have it."
13 years ago
"Uh…" She frowned, she was pretty sure she did not have cocoa. "I don't think I have any cocoa… I'm sorry." She felt bad about it now.
13 years ago
doesn't mind at all. "Just water is fine then."
13 years ago
"I could go get some at the store if you'd like…" She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable here! She should have anticipated that he would_
13 years ago
ask for cocoa. Norway would have known to have cocoa.
13 years ago
shakes his head. "It is all right."
13 years ago
nods and sets the flowers down on the counter before getting him a glass of water. She then went on a search for some sort of vase to put_
13 years ago
them in.
13 years ago
takes a sip of his water, following her with his eyes.
Thora is
13 years ago
relieved when she finds a simple glass vase beneath the sink and pulls it out. She filled it with water and carefully put the flowers in_
13 years ago
it, trying not to admire them too openly.
Basch wonders
13 years ago
if he's supposed to hug her or something now..
13 years ago
sets the vase down and goes back to staring at him with a somewhat blank expression. She had no idea what to do at this point.
Basch is
13 years ago
inching over very awkwardly.
Thora wonders
13 years ago
why he is moving closer and continues to stare at him.
13 years ago
finally hugs her.
13 years ago
stiffens at the hug before awkwardly hugging him back. That was what she was supposed to do, right? It did feel kind of nice, and she kind_
13 years ago
of liked how he smelled; It reminded her of goats.
Basch wonders
13 years ago
if smelling like goats is a good thing. A normal person wouldn't think so, but then again this was Thora and he liked her because she_
13 years ago
wasn't normal. Normal people would have never gotten this close. He releases her after a moment, his cheeks stained red.
13 years ago
"You smell like goats." She noted once he had pulled away. It may not have been the most romantic thing to say, but she did enjoy the_
13 years ago
smell. It was comforting.
13 years ago
tended to the goats before coming. "Ah? Sorry..."
13 years ago
blushed lightly and shook her head. "It's fine… I kind of like it. How are they?"
Basch is
13 years ago
a bit relieved by that. Though he had to wonder how strange they were to a normal couple. "They are good. Jungfrau had a stomach ache eating
13 years ago
things she shouldn't be...but she is okay."
13 years ago
smirks at the thought. Serves the annoying goat right! She is pretty sure they act like a perfectly normal couple… Not that she knew_
13 years ago
exactly what that entailed. But she didn't think they were that bad. "That's good…"
13 years ago
doesn't think they are bad either. But he was still awkward. He had to get over it some way though. And he had to be loving...even if it_
Basch was
13 years ago
not exactly something that he often, physically expressed. But he was trying. Or they would make no progress he was sure. "She has grown_
13 years ago
fond of you I think. Are you feeding her?"
13 years ago
"… Not often…" She didn't visit him very much, and he was usually there when she did. Though she and Jungfrau had been bonding lately…
Basch thinks
13 years ago
that's good. He didn't want them to fight. "Don't give her too much then. She's getting fat."
13 years ago
doesn't think Jungfrau was getting fat! She is pretty sure the goat would be very upset if she knew he had said that. "Maybe you should_
13 years ago
play with her more."
13 years ago
wonders how she doesn't see it? "I play with her everyday."
13 years ago
13 years ago
sighs a bit. "Are you hungry, then?"
13 years ago
shakes her head slowly. "Are you?"
13 years ago
nods. "I brought fondue."
13 years ago
lights up somewhat. "Really?" She had enjoyed it the last time she had eaten it with him quite a bit.
13 years ago
thought she might enjoy it. "I had some cheese left over and thought it would be put to good use."
13 years ago
smiles. "That sounds great."
13 years ago
places the bags on the table. They held both the cheese and the special hot pots. "Shall we then?"
13 years ago
nodded and watched him set the bags down. She wasn't really sure what she could do to help, so she'd wait for him to say something.
13 years ago
sets up and pulls out a chair for her.
Thora gives
13 years ago
him a smile and sits down. She felt kind of like a lame host, but it was nice to see him again.
13 years ago
sits down next to her and waits for the cheese to heat up, before offering her the fork. "Ladies start."
13 years ago
nods nervously as she took it, she was trying to remind herself of all the rules for eating it. It had been a while since she had first_
13 years ago
tried it with him… all she could remember was switch forks on her plate, and for some reason she remembered not wanting to drop it.
13 years ago
watches her start, waiting for her to get hers before he starts his.
13 years ago
tries not to be too nervous as she took a piece of bread on one of the forks and VERY cautiously dipped it in the cheese, then pulled it_
13 years ago
back to her plate.
13 years ago
dips his own and brings it back to his plate, before transferring and eating. He was pleased she remembered.
13 years ago
watched him from the corner's of her eyes to make sure she was doing it correctly. Heaven forbid she do something wrong.
13 years ago
nods to her, smiling a bit at her clumsiness. "You're holding it wrong." He reached out to readjust her hold.
13 years ago
stared at his hands, determined not to blush. She nodded. "Sorry…"
13 years ago
nods to her. "It's okay. Now you know."
13 years ago
tries very hard to continue holding the fork just right, but has a little bit of difficulty with it as she dips the bread. Before she_
13 years ago
could stop it she watched as the piece of bread fell as though in slow motion, her eyes now staring at the fork as though it had betrayed_
13 years ago
her. He was going to kill her now!
13 years ago
does not kill her, instead, before he could think about it and hesitate, he leaned in and captured her lips with his.
13 years ago
dropped the fork and stared at him with wide eyes, making no sudden movements.
13 years ago
pulls back, redder than a tomato. He could hardly believe he did that.
13 years ago
gulps quietly and continues to stare at him, still a bit too shocked to actually *say* anything about it. Had he really just *kissed* her???
13 years ago
goes back to eating like nothing happened.
13 years ago
continues to stare at him, her face steadily growing redder as she mulled over what had just happened. "Did you… Kiss me?" Not that she_
13 years ago
really had to ask… But she couldn't quite believe it.
13 years ago
pauses, reddening. "Ja."
13 years ago
gulps again. "Oh…" She cautiously reached out to grab her fork off of the table.
Basch is
13 years ago
hesitant. "May I...?"
13 years ago
"Uh…" She wasn't quite sure what he was asking about, or how to respond. Maybe if she acted like she didn't care the awkwardness would go_
13 years ago
away sooner. "If you want?" Her voice sounded much more unsure than she wanted it to. Dammit.
13 years ago
leans in to kiss her again, softer this time.
13 years ago
tries not to wince or tense up. She had kissed men before! She shouldn't feel so awkward about this! It wasn't even making out! She tried_
13 years ago
to lean towards him and shifted in her seat slightly to kiss him back. Why was her heart pounding so much?! What the hell was wrong with_
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her?! It hadn't been this bad when she kissed Sadiq!! This was a hundred times worse than when he gave her the strange skin condition!
13 years ago
gently reaches up to cup her cheek, before pulling away once more...These...were his first kisses.
13 years ago
bit her lip and let out a quiet breath she'd been unconsciously holding. She couldn't tell if she felt relieved that he'd pulled back or_
13 years ago
disappointed… Or maybe all of these feelings were indigestion from the cheese! She liked that excuse best of all!
13 years ago
's stomach was doing flip flops. This was possibly the most awkward thing ever, and he wondered why he liked it.
13 years ago
"Um…" She mumbled, not looking at his face. "Should we finish eating?" Not that she felt particularly hungry any more, but it was a_
13 years ago
distraction from how nervous she felt.
13 years ago
nods. "Of course."
Thora will
13 years ago
be extremely careful while eating now; she doesn't need a repeat of that… Her face couldn't get much darker, and she didn't feel like going_
13 years ago
in to cardiac arrest on account of dropping bread in the cheese.
Basch is
13 years ago
keeping a careful eye on her.
13 years ago
can feel him watching her and it makes her feel even more nervous! She fidgeted in her seat before frowning at him; if he wanted to kiss_
13 years ago
her more he should have just said so! It would have been better than awkwardly trying to eat! "What?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Nothing"
13 years ago
"… Then why did you keep looking at me?"
13 years ago
looks away. "You look pretty today."
13 years ago
huffs. She always looked pretty, that was no reason for him to keep staring at her like she had something on her face! Though she did like_
13 years ago
receiving the compliment from him, and it made her cheeks tinge to a pale pink as she glared back at the fondue.
13 years ago
's lips twitch up at her glaring. He liked that too, he found it amusing and it suited her.
13 years ago
doesn't think her glaring is amusing, nor is she enjoying his attitude right now! She shifted awkwardly in her seat, now afraid to eat_
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks back to his food and continues to eat.
13 years ago
returned to eating, now being even more careful as she ate.
Basch is
13 years ago
waiting for her to drop another piece. He was almost teasing her now.
Thora will
13 years ago
not drop another piece, dammit! She ate extremely slow, feeling his expectant eyes on her. It was testing at her patience…
13 years ago
sips at his drink before speaking. "Work has been bad?"
13 years ago
nearly dropped another piece when she heard his voice. She frowned and set the cheesy bread down on her plate to switch forks. "It's been-
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods a bit, setting the drink down. "Have you been getting enough sleep?"
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