co-watching quantum leap! there is this line: [Sam: You trust me, right? Al: Almost.] oh, ouch. apparently this has overlying meanings.
latest #14
swiss cheese memory and magnet brain
being that every leap leaves a little bit of the leapee inside of sam's brain for one lea
so he has parts of him that are not sam and therefore unpredictable.
maybe related to swiss cheese?
good point. brain trying to fill some holes
I had wished they went more into how Alia's jumps worked and what they did to her
But my understanding is they set up a cliffhanger so that it would help them along in season 6
unfortunately ABC did not agree (or whomever did it)
i would have liked it. though there are many fanfics based on any of this i am sure
i wrote couple, there was at least one chain story with that
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