mymorningstory needs
13 years ago
Just learned how to check responses & plurks.. I guess i'm not to old for the internets afterall
Luliriisi says
13 years ago
Now the question is, why do you think 29 is old (assuming that you really are 29 and not just lying because some people do that)? (thinking)
13 years ago
29 isn't old(if you really are 29). besides it's more on your way of thinking. I just turned 19 but I still act like a 12yo.
13 years ago
i guess you could say i'm a child at heart. and still will be later on... some habits and traits you just don't drop
13 years ago
Luliriisi says
13 years ago
zephyrcrossheart: Agree. Totally. I've always felt older than my age.