Tino has
13 years ago
been celebrating yesterday NOT being ragnarok since he got up, and now he's gotten rather drunk, and crossed his eastern border. It's not
latest #47
13 years ago
too long before he finds himself on Ivan's doorstep, leaning a little against doorframe as he pounds on the door. "Venäjä..you...bastard..!"
13 years ago
Maybe he's had a little too much vodka.. "Get your fat ass out here!" [for Russ]
13 years ago
/appreciates the norse myth ref. ;;u;; ))
13 years ago
[[/Same as Meri ;;v;;]]
13 years ago
((/raised by viking nations! <3))
13 years ago
(Sorry, my plurk timeline didntn update >w<;-)
13 years ago
13 years ago
Ivan had been polishing his medal when he heard a racket outside of his door, pounding and alot of shouting. A dunkard, no doubt. He sighed,
13 years ago
before placing his medal down and walked lazily to the door, opening it, "What is the meaning of this, Ispaniya?" He asked, his voice
13 years ago
filled with exasperation Why was it that drunk people always came to him?.
Tino was
13 years ago
glaring up at the other nation, his face flushed. "I came...all the over here..." Oh boy he was swaying. "To tell you you're an asshole."
13 years ago
gave an amused chuckled, smiling down at the shorter nation, whos faces was flushed from the amount of liquor he consumed. He opened the
13 years ago
door for the Spaniard, "Its cold, debil, get inside or youll catch your death, " If he was smart, Finland wouldnt accept the invitation.
13 years ago
The Finn was already leaning halfway into the doorway as he tried to support himself from not toppling onto his face. "I've lived in this
13 years ago
shitty house for more than a century." He reached up to poke the other in the chest. " 's probably colder inside than it is out here!"
13 years ago
The tallest nation sighed to himself, rolling his eyes at the other nation. He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him inside, "I cant
13 years ago
let you go for many reason, " He threw the other nation onto his sofa, "one, being you just insulted me. And, the other being that youd
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robably get lost and die, "He grinned and stared down the other nation, "And i cant let you die after having insulted me."
13 years ago
"Never gotten lost in my own lands." He yelped as he hit the sofa. "And..And..all this was mine. Karelia, you know.." He rubbed his eyes for
13 years ago
a moment, trying to clear his vision a bit. "An' I'm sure you get insulted all of the time you big-nosed sadistic fuck."
13 years ago
(Karella? owo))
13 years ago
The Russian laughed softly to himself, his hand slowly reaching for his pipe. Whilst twirling the metal object in between his fingers, he
13 years ago
(Karelia = eastern Finland that was given to Russia after WWII)
13 years ago
lowly made his way towards the smaller nation, "Da, I do, " He smiled coldly down at the other nation, pressing his spigot against Finalnds
13 years ago
windpipe, "But no one gets away with insulting me, da?"
13 years ago
((Danke >w<;-)
13 years ago
just smirked, not really reacting to the pipe at all. "Oh? Threatening a smaller nation? Remember the last time this happened." Oh, he loved
13 years ago
bringing up the Winter War... "How many times did I blow your brains out of your skull? I always lost count..."
13 years ago
((My russia is sadistic,violent, do you mind? owo ))
13 years ago
/wants to know if you mind
13 years ago
((Not at all. :3 Go for it~))
13 years ago
((Okay >A< ))
13 years ago
bit at his lower lip, his grin widening, he was slightly upset, but he wouldnt let the other nation see that, "But, in the end, I still
13 years ago
stand strong, Finlyandiya." He removed the pipe from the others throat, rubbing it with his hands like a precious treasure, "Perhaps you
13 years ago
should, " He raised the pipe above his should, join me, da?!" He brought the pipe down hard on the others stomach. Not as hard as
13 years ago
have liked, but he didnt want to kill him.
Tino was
13 years ago
caught off-gaurd by that,despite knowing the other's twisted nature. A sound of pain got caught in his throat and he ended up throwing up,
13 years ago
coughing hard afterwards, trying to catch his breath. "/Fucking/....perkele!"
13 years ago
He smiled down at the writhing nation, "You should apologizing, da?" he roughly picked up the other nation, holding him up against a wall
13 years ago
ith just a hand around the others throat. Not enough to hurt him, but enough to hold him there, firmly.
13 years ago
squirmed in the other's grip, trying to escape him. It was hard to breathe like this... He did, however, manage to spit in Ivan's face for
13 years ago
an aswer.
13 years ago
Russia scoffed at Finland after he spa in the taller nations face. After wiping off the saliva, Ivan threw the other nation to the ground,
13 years ago
after which he swooped down upon the smaller nation, pinning him to the floor, "Would be best to apologize, da?"
13 years ago
"Apologize to the one who I was forced to live with for over a century? Who allowed me to starve? I don't think so." He snarled, trying to
13 years ago
get the other off of him. He had a decent amount of strength, but Ivan was so big...
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