lizbdavis says
15 years ago
Next week, I'm taking a gaming workshop with one of the guys who created Zoombinis, cool.
latest #10
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
Turns out I know him from a job I had a long time ago.
15 years ago
Who is it? Where is it? And that's very cool!
mhobkirk says
15 years ago
Do you have a link to share Liz?
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
It is a teachers as scholars workshop with Scot Osterweil. No link, but I will share what I learn.
15 years ago
lizbdavis You're very lucky. I've long admired his work.
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
colleenk As I remember, he is a really nice, down to earth, smart, creative man.
15 years ago
Yes, you will come away with a wealth of ideas and insights. Please share.
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
I will definitely share one way or another.
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
colleenk Are you going to be at Educon?
15 years ago
Yep, I'll be there. Driving down with Karen and Beth.
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