I love my LALA
it is best that we don't know what they are saying
sending boss to LaLa - he is FLUENT in idiotnese
hell you can have the boyfriend too - I believe he wrote the dictionary
well....correct me if I am wrong
doesn't 'FINALE' mean OVER??
but yeah - splitting hairs
PLEASEEEEEEEEE pass that translator when youre DONE !!!
ok...so why is Jabs stupid contest STILL going on if the blog says FINALE??????
um you DO know that he is already and has been dating one of the contestants BEFORE the contest even started, right?
and that the contest is rigged because he can delete the comments to sway the votes AND he has the power of veto if he doesnt like who wins
yea that doesnt make much sense
Who did he date besides Jennie?
you mean who didnt he date
I only know about Jennie.. none of the others
um...he is dating Mandie the 20 something from Cali
Why would she enter this contest if they are already dating?
ooooooooh....so THAT'S what he meant when I asked him if it was for real & he replied "take it with a grain of salt"
@ Kat because she was told she would win regardless
I was tempted to have EVERYONE I know vote her off and take screen shots every 5 minutes so he couldn't fix it
OH! I know! what was going on with GranDiva & the Cali trip?
i REALLY REALLY wanted to go
you could have bunked with me
and it was a very small low-key group
and we all did our own thing in small groups