13 years ago
all I have to say is . . . Z..O...M...G!!!! + i wuv u sophia + truth <333 xoxoxoxoxo http://www.flickr.com/photos/truthhawks/5765780053/in/contacts/
latest #8
13 years ago
ohhhhh GAWD YES!!! I'll be heading there tonight for sure!
13 years ago
hey..is that new? I couldn't find it
Tesh says
13 years ago
i think it's out 2nite or 2mor wise lol <333333 (LOL)
13 years ago
awesome. ty!
GavinMcGinnis says
13 years ago
Wow that is so awesome. Im going to have to grab myself a copy of the Teshan Hair
Mini Me
13 years ago
Artanis Nexen says
13 years ago
I don't have the lindens to get it... but the next best thing is to go there and stare at it. (woot)
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