13 years ago
[AU] is calling the number that cutie left on his hand a few days ago...
latest #288
13 years ago
13 years ago
[[<3 Think I'd just let that sweet ass walk away? No way~]]
13 years ago
[[/Will reply after English class 8'3]]
13 years ago
The Italian squeaked and jumped as his phone suddenly went off, just settling down for his siesta. Eyebrow twitching with irritation, he
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reached for his phone, and picked it up even though he didn't recognize the number.
13 years ago
"Hello?" The Finn asked, listening for any sounds of life on the other end. He really hoped this wasn't a fake number again..
13 years ago
His brows furrowed in slight confusion, biting on his lower lip. "H-hi?" His heart beat picked up slightly, hoping that Feli hadn't gotten
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into some sort of trouble...
13 years ago
"Hey!" Oh relief, it was a real number! And for the person he got it from even! "Uh, do you remember me? We talked a couple days ago...?"
13 years ago
"Um..." He thought about it for a second, and then recognized the tone. "Oh." The pervert from the other day...
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Well...that sounded...not in his favour. "Yeah! I just thought I'd give you a call...see if you're free..."
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He frowned, uncertain. "I'unno." At least the Fin had the balls to call him, though. That earned a few points.
13 years ago
"Well...how about this weekend?" He suggested. Give the other plenty of time that way!
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He sighed softly, switching his cell to his other ear before lying down on the couch. "What do you want?"
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laughed a little. "Well, I figured that would be obvious. A date."
13 years ago
His cheeks flushed pink and he stuttered, trying to hide his embarrassment. "W-w-why?"
13 years ago
"Well...you're very attractive.." Might as well be honest here.. "And I'd like to get to know you better."
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He flushed darker, and before he knew it he was hanging up the phone, a reflex he didn't even know he had. Oops.
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blinked when the line went dead. Well....what to do now? That was clearly a no, but he didn't want to give up so easily!
13 years ago
After a moment of taking deep breaths to calm his blush and racing heart, he called the Finn back, hands shaking when he brought his phone
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to his ear.
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jumped a bit when his phone went off, and he grinned when he saw the caller ID, quickly picking up. "Hey!"
13 years ago
"...S-sorry," he mumbled softly, rubbing at his cheeks and feeling embarrassed. At least the other couldn't see how embarrassed he was.
13 years ago
"It's okay!" He was grinning. Well...maybe that hadn't been a no... "So...Saturday?"
13 years ago
He huffed, blushing even darker. "I... I-I guess..." the Italian mumbled after a moment, toying with the couch fabric.
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grinned, very very pleased. "Wonderful! Where can I pick you up from?"
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He didn't know how smart it was to give a stranger his address, but he rattled it off to the other, eyes shutting.
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quickly wrote it down and repeated it, just to make sure. "What time is okay for you?"
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"Doesn't matter. Just... call when you're coming." Last thing he wanted was for Feli to know he had a... d-date...
13 years ago
"Okay! I'll call then! See you Saturday~." Oh boy was he excited.
13 years ago
"Y-yeah..." The Italian hung up and curled up on the couch, cheeks burning and heart racing. He couldn't help but feel the whole thing was
13 years ago
almost surreal...
13 years ago
[[So cute~ timeskip?]]
13 years ago
[[Not cuuute >//3//< And yep ;v;<3]]
13 years ago
dresses up a bit nicer than he really needs to (slacks and a button down shirt) but hey, he'd rather be classy than not for a first date!
13 years ago
After leaving his house he calls Lovino, humming a bit with the radio as he waits for him to pick up.
13 years ago
He'd spent the whole day panicking and getting nervous, and he'd changed his outfit at least three times, finally settling on some dark
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skinny jeans and a tee, a bandana tied around his neck. Lovino nearly jumped out of his seat when his phone rang. "P-pronto?"
13 years ago
Oh~ what language was that? "Moi moi~! It's me. Uhm, I'm on my way, should be about...ten minutes or soooo..."
13 years ago
"Ahm... o-okay..." he mumbled, flushing and scratching his cheek. "Don't rush... o-or anything." He wondered where they were going, or if
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the other even knew.
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"Okay! See you soon!" And he hung up. And, as he said, pulled up about ten minutes later. He owned a sleek little car, nothing really too
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fancy. But it was nice enough and had good leg room! And a killer stereo system.
13 years ago
Lovino ducked away from the window when the Finn pulled up, blushing, and after checking his breath one final time he slipped out of the
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house to the car. He'd brought his wallet just in case, and his house keys both so he could lock the door when he left and if he needed to
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shank someone with the keys.
13 years ago
13 years ago
waves from the driver's seat before leaning over and pushing the passenger side door open. "Hey!"
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[[Can never be too prepared 8'D]]
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He unelegantly flopped into the car, shutting the door and buckling up. "H-hi..." He dared a glance at the blonde, cheeks heating once more.
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"So.." He reaches over to turn down the death metal on the radio. "I was thinking dinner and maybe drinks, and go from there?"
13 years ago
Odd taste in music, he thought to himself. "That sounds fine..." Lovino replied meekly, not really planning on drinking. He had a decent
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enough tolerance, but when he was nervous he normally didn't keep a good watch on how much he was drinking and ended up doing something
13 years ago
13 years ago
drove off after a moment, nodding. "Is there any sort of food you prefer... or...?" He wanted to make the sure the other was going to enjoy
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their date, after all.
13 years ago
"U-um, Italian," he offered, reaching out to fiddle with the radio. The other's music was giving him a headache. If he just didn't look at
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his date, maybe he wouldn't get flustered...
13 years ago
He was fine with the other picking music. He wanted him to be comfortable after all. "Okay! There's this awesome authentic place I know of."
13 years ago
Authentic? It sounded like a challenge. Lovino crossed his arms over his chest. "Better be good..."
13 years ago
"Only the best~!" He grinned, hoping it would be. But for now...no thanks to awkward silences! "So...what do you do for work?"
13 years ago
The grin made him blush, and he forced himself to look out the windshield. Lovino almost cringed at the question. "I-I, um, paint..." People
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normally didn't take his artist job seriously.
13 years ago
"Really?" Tino looked interested, however. "That sounds so cool! I wish I had a talent like that..."
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He fiddled with the fabric of his bandana, a bit surprised. "R-really? Um... t-thanks..." It was nice to get paid for a hobby.
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"Maybe I can see your work sometime?" He was curious, but it the other was getting paid, he had to be good!
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He stuttered shyly, cheeks heating even darker. "I-I... I, um, g-guess..." His heart needed to stop beating so erratically!
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"I'd really like that." He noticed the bush and decided to change the subject. "I, myself, own and run a coffee house."
13 years ago
"O-oh?" He was having a hard time calming himself down, but he managed to look interested, flush finally fading a bit. "W-whereabouts?"
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"Kinda between the historical and art districts. It's a small place, but people seem to like it!"
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He tried to think if he'd ever been there, but he honestly couldn't remember. "Sounds nice." Lovino could appreciate any caffienated drink.
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"Do you drink coffee at all?" He asked, turning onto the freeway. "We also have pastries, I make them myself."
13 years ago
"I love coffee... normally with biscotti..." The thought made his mouth water, craving the foods. He had a sweet tooth...
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grins a little. "Well! We have all kinds of biscotti. You could come by some time and try some out..."
13 years ago
"That'd be... nice." He offered just the tiniest of smiles for a brief moment.
Tino feels
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a bit of butterflies himself at seeing that smile. "Ah! Here we are.." He pulled off the freeway and made a couple of turns before parking.
13 years ago
This place looked...pretty nice...a little fancy...
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Fancy was never a problem with Lovino... he was a bit of a gourmet... Still, he was a bit surprised that this was where the Finn was taking
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him for a first date. Was he worth this good of an impression?
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would certainly say he was. When he got out he hurries over, opening the door for the other.
13 years ago
The artist didn't get out of the car right away, blinking at his lap and blushing awkwardly. "I, um... it's gonna sound stupid but... I-I
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don't think I ever caught your name..." His hands were shaking slightly with how embarrassed he was.
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laughs a bit, extending his hand. "It's Tino. You're Lovino, right?" He only knew because it was scribbled next to the number on his palm.
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"Yeah..." He took the hand, shook it, and then used it to help himself out of the car. "T-thanks."
13 years ago
"No problem!" He smiled as he locked the car and laad the other inside, holding the doors for him. "Table for two, please."
13 years ago
He bit on his lower lip, stomach fluttering with nervousness. But at least it smelled amazing in here... He willed his stomach not to make
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him even more embarrassed by growling.
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smiled, leading the other to the table and even pulling the chair out for the other.
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He had to try not to stutter at that, cheeks going bright red and staring at the floor as he took his seat. Honestly...
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just smiled as he sat down. "You can have anything you'd like." Even if this place was a little pricey...
13 years ago
He was going to be sensible… Or at least, he wanted to be, but Lovino practically melted at the sight of all the food. He tried to exercise
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his self-restraint.
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smiled, looking the menu over. Hmm, so many choices... he kept peeking at Lovino though.
13 years ago
After eyeing the menu as if it had posed a challenge, he finally chose a pasta dish with shrimp and white sauce. Lovino was too scared to
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look at the price.
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orders a swordfish steak with pasta and red sauce, and asks the waiter to pair wine with their dishes as well.
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He looked a bit uncertain at the wine suggestion, but... well, a glass or two couldn't really hurt. "So...."
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"So." He smiled widely. "Tell me about yourself."
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"I-I'm twenty-one..." he started out in a mumble, fingers fidgeting and eyes staring at the table. "I have a twin brother... um... Italian…"
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Lovino wasn't an incredibly interesting person...
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found it all very interesting though! He was smiling and nodding. "Really? Well, I hope the food lives up to your standards, then! What sort
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of things do you like..?"
13 years ago
"Um... tomatoes... siestas..." He was growing increasingly nervous, brows furrowed up and hands shaking slightly. Lovino tried to hide it
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though, willing his heartbeat to slow.
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"How about sports?" He could see the nerves, trying to be relaxed and take this easy, not wanting to scare the other...
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He seemed to perk up a bit. "I like soccer..." That was a gross understatement if there ever was one.
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"Oh?" He smiled a little wider. "Do you play?"
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He nodded, glancing up at the other with a strong flush to his cheeks. "Um, y-yeah, sometimes..."
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"I've never been very good at football.." He admitted, looking a little ashamed. "Maybe you could teach me sometime?"
13 years ago
"If you wanted..." He offered a tiny, shy, almost nervous smile. "*Calcio* can get a bit scary to play with me, t-though..." Lovino was even
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more violent than usual when he was competing.
13 years ago
"Well! I could teach you hockey then." He did get very competitive on the ice...
13 years ago
Lovino probably couldn't even look at an ice rink without falling, but he found himself nodding. He was agreeing just to spend time with the
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Finn. He was shocked.
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grinned even more at that. "Anything else you like~?"
13 years ago
"I uh... have a vespa..." He hated that he was so awkward about d-dating. It was probably painfully obvious that he rarely did this, and it
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made him even more nervous to think Tino would be judging him.
13 years ago
"Oh? That sounds nice!" He smiled, liking the idea of a little vespa...And when he wanted to ask more, the food arrived.
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It didn't take more than a look for his mouth to start watering. It looked delicious. Not to mention that hopefully a distraction would make
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his awkwardness less palpable.
13 years ago
And the wine too! Tino thanked the waiter before he left. "Dig in!"
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He picked up a fork, swirling up a mouthful of pasta-- and oh, fuck, it was amazing. He couldn't help a soft groan of pleasure. Lovino would
13 years ago
have to tell Feli about this place.
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smirked very faintly, happily digging into his as well, sighing happily before sipping his wine.
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When he was content enough with stuffing his face to remember the wine, he reached for the glass, sipping daintily. It was good, just sweet
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enough, and when he put the glass back down at least half of it was gone.
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"Good?" He asked, licking his lips.
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"Very..." He poked at his plate with his fork, hesitantly taking another bite, now painfully aware of the Finn's attention.
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smiled, happily continuning to eat his meal.
13 years ago
Maybe it was the formality of the restaurant making him want to act out, or maybe the wine (he was on his second glass), but Lovino reached
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out his feet under the table and tried to steal Tino's shoe, all the while trying to look innocent and hide a smirk.
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eyed the other, starting to turn a little pink. Footsie? Well...this was unexpected... He got another glass of wine as well, fighting back a
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little under the table.
13 years ago
He bit down on his lower lip, enjoying that the blonde's cheeks went pink. It was nice to not be the only one blushing. He tried to trap the
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foot as he worked to pull off the shoe.
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tried to pull his foot back a little, but it just began to pull his shoe off...so he pushed his foot back towards the other.
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He squeaked at the pushing, and covered it up by taking a sip of wine. The Italian's brows furrowed in cute concentration as he tried to
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work out the puzzle of how to steal his date's shoe.
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watched him, wiggling his toes in his shoe a bit. He was glad he'd laced his shoes a bit loose today now.
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He managed to get his foot behind the other's, trying to pull it off from the heel. He took a bite of his food absently.
Tino was
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drinking his wine, steadily blushing a bit more, wiggling his foot a little, just o make it a bit more tricky~.
13 years ago
A soft noise of frustration escaped him, cheeks puffing almost childishly. He wanted to whine, but it would be an obvious tell that there
Lovino was
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something going on behind the tablecloth...
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gave in after a few moments, and it wouldn't take much work beyond that for his shoe to slip off. Now, what the hell did his date have
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planned for his foot...?
13 years ago
He stole the shoe, and looked like a sated cat, hiding it under his chair. It didn't last long, though, and soon he wanted to steal Toni's
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sock too.
13 years ago
[[*Tino gdit why is that so hard to type]]
13 years ago
squirmed just a little in his chair. Shoe was one thing, but his sock...he was ticklish!
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Lovino pouted. The game wasn't fun if the other gave it away...
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bit his lip, looking sheepish. "Ah, sorry."
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"D-don't be..." He blushed, but didn't think the other had earned back his shoe yet. A few more bites and he'd finished off his food.
13 years ago
smiled, waving the waiter over. "Anything for dessert?" Tino had a bit of a sweet tooth himself. "It was a lot of food but maybe we could..
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split something?"
13 years ago
He nodded, trying to hide eagerness at the suggestion. Feli and he shared dessert whenever they had enough room (which was nearly every
13 years ago
time, the twins could certainly eat).
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nodded. "Go ahead and pick something then. You're the expert for Italian food." He also ordered bellinis.
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He figured he'd just keep it simple, and picked out a delicious-looking tiramisu slice for them to share. Mm, bellinis... The Finn was smart
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it seemed. The drink was one of his favorite cocktails.
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grinned as the waiter left, stretching his feet out and trying to sneakily take his shoe back...
13 years ago
[[/made bellinis with good prosecco tonight. And sleep time here. I'll reply tomorrow~]]
13 years ago
[[-Tucktuck- Sleep well, cutie >w<]]
13 years ago
He noticed the ambush when one of Toni's feet brushed against his, and he tried to swat the invading feet away while also guarding the shoe…
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and trying not to fall out of his chair.
13 years ago
[[*Tino's. GDIT]]
13 years ago
Damn! Well, he tried. He retreated for now. Just a little. Before he began to work his shoeless foot under the edge of Lovino's pants and
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slowly up his leg. Revenge.
13 years ago
His eyes went wide and the brunette squeaked, flushing a brilliant red. W-what was he doing?!
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smirked just faintly, but otherwise was pretending nothing was going on~.
13 years ago
The Italian knocked the shoe away from his protection, anything to get the other to s-stop that! If it was possible, Lovino colored darker,
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squirming in his chair.
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smiled, glad the waiter came with their dessert. He slipped his shoe back on. Oh, that blush was cute~
13 years ago
Lovino would vehemently deny any supposed cuteness in his features. "Jerk..." he mumbled once the waiter had left, eyeing the dessert.
Tino feels
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his spirits fade, just a little, at that. "Ah, you can have the first bite."
13 years ago
He didn't notice the other's spirits fading, simply chirping out a soft "R-really?" Lovino always insulted people. He wasn't the type to
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think of the possible hurt his words could cause.
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nodded, smiling again, though just a little weaker. "Of course. You chose, and I'm sure you'll know if it's really exceptional or not."
13 years ago
He picked up a fork and took a forkful of the (rather large) piece of cake, only to put it in Tino's mouth with a small smile.
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looked a bit surprised, but he blushed and ate it, closing his eyes and licking his lips afterwards. "Mmm!"
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"Good?" he asked softly, cheeks going red himself. He sipped shyly at his cocktail to hide embarrassment.
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smiled a little wider. nodding before his swallowed. "Amazing."
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Seeing the amplified smile, he couldn't help but hesitantly smile back, taking a bite himself. *Yum*.
13 years ago
"Is it good enough for a true Italian?" He asked, sipping his cocktail.
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"I *guess*…" Lovino could probably make it better. He sipped the drink until his glass was empty, feeling just slightly tipsy and shrugging
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it off.
13 years ago
smiled a bit, idly chatting as they finish the cake. "So, what would you like to do with the rest of our evening?"
13 years ago
Lovino had to resist the urge to lick the plate, licking his lips clean of the coffee-flavored cake. "Um, anything you'd like...?"
13 years ago
"Movie?" He suggested. It was a bit lame, dinner and a movie. But it was better than nothing..
13 years ago
Lovino nodded. "That sounds... n-nice." Such an obvious date... it made him blush.
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waved teh waiter back over, handing him his credit card and signing the slip. "Shall we then?"
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He nodded, not daring to look at the bill, and stood from his chair, stretching subtly.
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had to quickly tie his shoe before he stands up, leading him back out to the car. "So, what kind of movies do you like?"
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"Almost anything..." He didn't want the other to think badly of him because of any tastes in movies...
13 years ago
"Alright. Let's see what's playing then." And there's really...a bit of everything. "Anything catch your eye?"
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"Um... you choose?" He looked away shyly, rubbing at his cheeks.
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picks a random movie, an action one, buying the tickets. "Need any snacks?"
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They'd just eaten and had desset, so he shook his head, liking the sound of the movie Tino had picked.
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nodded, leading the other into the theater after getting a bottle of water, just in case.
13 years ago
[[/Sorry for late replies, older sis just came over with lots of people =w=;;]]
13 years ago
((nO worries~))
13 years ago
13 years ago
Lovino settled himself down in a seat, the theater surprisingly empty. Hopefully this wasn't a reflection on the quality of the movie.
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hoped so too..As the movie started he got comfortable in his seat. He'd wait a little before trying to make a move.
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Lovino was oblivious to any plan-making. He was drawn into the movie once it started, brows furrowed in concentration as he stared at it.
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did the old stretch and wrap an arm around the other deal once he was distracted enough.
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He squeaked and flushed brilliant red, heart racing, but didn't protest, and even leaned nervously into the blonde.
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smiled, relaxing a little now knowing that the other isn't going to hit him.He wouldn't try anything else during the movie.
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This was enough for him.
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Lovino's brows were furrowed and he was blushing crimson, quivering as he tried to focus on the film and not the beating of his heart.
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would do juuuust a little more, only leaning his head a little against the other's.
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He blushed darker, trembling with nervousness and embarrassment. His hands curled into fists, trying not to think about how close they were.
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now turned his attention to the movie, comfortable and happy. He just hoped the other would relax..
13 years ago
Lovino slowly let out a breath, and after a few minutes, he calmed down, and returned his attention to the movie.
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sighed when the movie was over and credits started to roll. But he didn't pull back yet.
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He had to resist the reflex to stand up when the credits started, waiting for the other to stir first. The lights in the theater turned on,
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making the brunette squint.
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pulled away after a moment, stretching as he stood, offering his hand to Lovino. "Did you like the movie?" It was surprisingly good, he
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thought, for a movie he just picked at random.
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Blushing, Lovino accepted the hand and stood up. "I-I did... It was g-good..."
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smiled widely, squeezing the other's hand lightly, starting to leave the theater. It was getting late, as he wasn't sure if he should take
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the other for drinks or to take him home. "How you feeling?"
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He blushed at the squeeze, and even more at the fact that Tino didn't let go of his hand. "I-I'm feeling great." It was true; the brunette
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didn't remember the last time he was this happy.
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The Finn was incredibly happy to hear that! He was succeeding so far on this date. "Well, is there anything else you'd like to do tonight?"
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"Um... I didn't have anything in mind... unless you did?" He didn't know how much he wanted to go home; it felt too soon despite the fact
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their date had been goiing on for hours.
13 years ago
"Well..." He wasn't too sure about getting drinks. What if the other thought he was just trying to get him drunk? "There's a park not too
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far from here. How about a walk? Out under the stars, it should be lovely.."
13 years ago
If Lovino did end up getting drunk, well... it probably wouldn't be too pretty. Lovino offered a tiny smile and nodded, liking the idea.
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nodded, heading off for the little park, still holding the other's hand. The park was mostly empty, only a few people here and there.
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The Italian twined his fingers with the Finn's, practically shaking with nervousness as he did so. It was a bit chilly out, a small shiver
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rippling down his spine, but he didn't really mind it.
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did notice and minded, however. He stopped and took his jacket off and draped it around the other's shoulders.
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Lovino yelped softly, going bright red. "I-I-- it's--" He wanted to express that he was fine, and he didn't need the other's jacket, but he
Lovino was
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too embarrassed to get it out.
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"Don't worry about it. I'm used to the cold." He said with a grin, quickly kissing the other's cheek before taking his hand again.
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He went quiet, blushing and nodding, and his heart practically exploded at the peck to his cheek.
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just walked with the other, trying to ignore his own heart pounding. Tonight was going so well he could hardly believe it! They wandered the
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park for quite awhile, and eventually ended up back at the entrance, where Tino checked his watch with a sigh. "It's getting late, but it's
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been such a wonderful evening I don't want it to end..."
13 years ago
"...M-me either," he admitted in a whisper, blushing and pulling the other's jacket around him. The walk had been long, but it felt like
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it had only been mere minutes since they left the movies.
13 years ago
"Should I take you home, then?" He meant to the other's house. But how he phrased it...
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Of course, Lovino took it the wrong way. He froze up completely, flushing crimson from his hair to his neck, stuttering like no tomorrow. "I
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um-- I-I-- w-w-wha--" Lovino hadn't even been *taken home*; hell, he hadn't taken anyone home either.
13 years ago
And it clicked in Tino's mind what he had just said and began to blush like crazy as well. "Oh! I...uh...I meant take you home to *your*
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house! N-not that I don't *want* to take you home like that...uh,,,er...." Damnit. So much for being smooth.
13 years ago
The Italian blushed even darker, feeling stupid and even more embarrassed about the second statement. He couldn't even reply, opening and
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closing his mouth like a fish out of water.
13 years ago
"S-Sorry..." Tino apologized timidly, starting for his car, still holding the other's hand. "I'll just take you home. *Your* home, I mean.."
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He simply trailed after the other, too shell-shocked to really do anything else. Was he thinking of *agreeing*?
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opened the door for the other before he let go of his hand, climbing into the driver's seat. Oh. Awkward slience...
13 years ago
After a few moments, he couldn't stand the awkward silence. "...S-sorry..." he mumbled out weakly, rubbing at his cheeks.
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"Don't be sorry!" He blushed as well, looking a bit shy. "It was my mistake, there."
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He mumbled another apology, fidgeting with the bandana around his neck and finally leaning to turn on the radio.
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And there was the death metal again. Tino blushed a bit more. "You can put it on anything you like."
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He jumped a bit at the sudden blaring from the speakers, and changed the station gratefully.
13 years ago
relaxes a little with the silence gone. It's not too long before they're just up the block from Lovino's house.
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Lovino pouted when he noticed them growing close to his house. He really didn't want the date to end...
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sighs when they pull up to Lovino's house. "Mind if I..you know...walk you to the door?"
13 years ago
"I'd be honored..." He opened the car door and slid out, nose crinkling at the chill.
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smiled, turning his car off as he climbed out, following the other up to the door.
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He arrived at the door, blinking up at the other. "So... here we a-are..."
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took a breath to calm his nerves, before leaning in and gently kissing the other.
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His eyes went wide and he froze up, blushing crimson, but after a moment he relaxed into the kiss. Lovino pressed into the Finn, lips moving
13 years ago
slow, parting and shutting. His eyes lidded halfway, standing on tiptoes.
13 years ago
He slipped his arms around the other's waist, holding him close, tilting his head just a little. He parted his lips, sliding his tongue over
13 years ago
the Italian's bottom lip.
13 years ago
A small moan escaped him and his fingers twined in the blonde's shirt, pressing up against him. "M-mhn..." When the tongue slid over his
13 years ago
lower lip Lovino opened his mouth.
13 years ago
His tongue dipped into the other's open mouth, sliding the slick muscle against the other's, closing his eyes.
13 years ago
Lovino moaned again, more obvious this time, and his legs grew wobbly beneath him. He found himself glad that the other's arms were around
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his waist...
13 years ago
After a long moment the Finn pulled back, a little out of breath. "Well...I guess we say good night now.."
13 years ago
As much as he didn't want to...
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He nodded, flushed and panting lightly, looking up at his date through his eyelashes. "I... h-had fun... s'pose..."
13 years ago
"Good! I did too." He blushed a little now. "Perhaps...we could do this again another time?"
13 years ago
He offered the smallest of smiles, fiddling with the doorknob. "I'd like that..."
13 years ago
nodded, letting go of him. "I'll call you then?"
13 years ago
"Yeah. Um. I-if you want to," he stuttered, blushing brighter.
13 years ago
nodded again. "Of course! I'll..uhm...talk to you later then!"
13 years ago
"T-thank you…" he managed shrilly, and leaned forward to peck the other on the cheek before scurrying inside, shutting the door behind him.
13 years ago
stands there for a moment with a huge grin, then goes back to his car and drives home.
13 years ago
Lovino watched the other drive away, and then leaned his back on the wall and slowly sank to the floor, heart racing. What a night...
13 years ago
[[So cute~]]
13 years ago
[[;//n//; /Swats]]
13 years ago
[[Now~ mind if I make another one of these, so I might get a chance to lay you? >3> ]]
13 years ago
[[Definitely have *no* problem with that <3]]
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