15 years ago
After days of investgating & writing helpdesk tickets,Feedburner processes my Istanbul Trails RSS feeds again. You must re-subscribe though!
latest #6
ツ Mike asks
15 years ago
Is it possible to baclup your suscriber list?
coqui2008 says
15 years ago
any idea what happened?
max_forlani says
15 years ago
Mike, you can't really back it up, since you don't really know who they are. Except for the e-mail sunscriptions, those you can export.
max_forlani says
15 years ago
cocqui: not a clue. I suspect a changed server setting, causing it to respond too slow (+10 sec) for FewdBurner :-( Back 0 subscribers!
coqui2008 says
15 years ago
+1 now :-)
max_forlani says
15 years ago
Thanks a lot! :-D
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