16 years ago
Why I am reluctant to use Linux: Linux users are dicks.
latest #23
16 years ago
(Yes, I know that's an absurdly broad generalization. But it's funnier that way.)
JoeHobot says
16 years ago
<<Linux guru
Marx has
16 years ago
dealt with enough hand-holding to feel the original writer's frustration
rob-rific™ says
16 years ago
there's still no reason to be an ass about it.
Marx thinks
16 years ago
perhaps not, but it's clear his assishness will most likely result in getting it done and get it done right.
rob-rific™ thinks
16 years ago
there are a lot of linux users here. ;-)
colinh likes
16 years ago
YDL. :-D
rob-rific™ is
16 years ago
a linux user, too. :-) Ubuntu mainly, with some Xandros lately. w00t.
16 years ago
Getting comfy in Ubu.
16 years ago
Substitute "Linux" for "Sony/Microsoft" in this comic and you get the attitude that I've seen in a mystifyingly large
16 years ago
percentage of Linux users. I don't get it. Obviously there are exceptions, but what is it about Linux that makes people behave like that?
rob-rific™ thinks
16 years ago
it's the whole, "I know stuff that you don't" attitude. When it's REALLY HARD stuff, then maybe a sense of entitlement?
16 years ago
Maybe. It's just so infuriating. "I'm right and you're stupid" is not a valid MO.
Marx thinks
16 years ago
that assholes shouldn't keep you from using a good OS anymore than gloating jerks shouldn't keep you from voting for a good candidate.
Marx is
16 years ago
ashamed to admit that helping out on tech with inattentive friends has led her to say, "HUSH AND LISTEN. EYES FRONT." :-o
16 years ago
Also, half the problem is that I don't really have anything to install Linux /on/. I like my Mac as it is, and I need Windows for work.
16 years ago
Well, that's different, Marx. You're not saying up-front "you're clearly inattentive and stupid, so don't talk and do exactly as I say".
Marx says
16 years ago
No, but I've thought it. *ashamed* :-(
rob-rific™ says
16 years ago
thinking it and DOING it are different.
Marx thinks
16 years ago
that since she has guilt related to it, she's absolved.
16 years ago
Hell, I've worked phone tech support. "I'm sorry, could you put someone with less of an accent on the phone?" Ah, memories.
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
hey dont call me a dick!
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
call me a Linux slut if you want, but not a dick!
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