13 years ago
[AU cont] had been a bit nervous, not sure how much time to give between dates. Surely a week was enough though? He hoped, anyways, as he
latest #263
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dialed Lovino. At least he had a little bit more of a plan for a date this time..
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A week may have been a bit too much... When he didn't get a call the next day he thought it was nothing, and the same for the second day...
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but when there was no call on the third day he started to get nervous. The fourth day he stared at his phone and jumped every time it rang,
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the fifth he started to doubt himself, wonder if Tino hadn't had a good time, and by the sixth he had grown entirely bitter about the whole
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situation. So when his phone rang on day seven and he saw the caller ID he regarded it with a mix of terror and nervousness, staring at the
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device and picking it up with a shaky hand. "P-pronto?"
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"H-hey!" Oh man, the nerves were suddenly there, and hardcore too. He tried to shake them, trying to just relax as he spoke to the other.
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"Uhm, I was just...wondering if maybe you were free today...?"
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F-free? "I um... I... yeah." He'd imagined how he would react to seeing the other, giving him a piece of his mind, but now he was frozen--
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and anyway, he'd never imagined it like this.
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breathed a small sigh of relief, unsure of how this was going to go over. "I was thinking you could teach me a little soccer? It's such a
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nice day out.."
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His cheeks went pink, and he shrugged weakly. "I... I-I suppose..." he mumbled out, trembling with nervousness and embarrassment.
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"Okay! I'll come pick you up then?" He figured doing something the other was passionate about would be a safe choice.
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"Um, yeah... I'll be here..." He was definitely still shell-shocked from the whole situation.
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"See you soon!" And he hung up. It didn't take him long before he was parked and knocking on Lovino's door, excited and hoping for the best.
13 years ago
The Italian had tried on at least three different uniforms before settling on one that he decided was practical and flattering. The brunette
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scurried to the door when he heard the knocking, opening it and cheeks burning red.
Tino was
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there in a simple pair of athletic shorts and a tanktop, grinning widely. "Hey!"
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"A-ahm, hi..." He blushed darker at Tino's cheeriness, biting on his lower lip and glancing up at the other through his eyelashes.
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blushed a little, taking in how wonderful the other looked... "So..uh...I was thinking we could go to the park we were at last week?"
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He tried to focus on calming his heartbeat, proceeding to nibble his bottom lip nervously. "That s-sounds good..."
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smiled and offered his hand. "Good! I'm excited to learn, you know.."
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He shyly accepted the hand, picking up his favorite soccer ball from where he'd put it next to the door.
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He lead the other out to the car, holding the door open for him before getting in on his side and heading for the park. He hadn't changed
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the radio station since their date.
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Fidgeting nervously, Lovino rubbed at his cheek, playing withh the seatbelt. "So um... h-how've you been?"
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"Oh, pretty good." He gave a bit of a shrug. "Work's been a bit busy... How about you?"
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"G-good." Besides the fact that he hadn't painted anything halfway decent in five days.
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"Good to hear!" He smiled, leaning back a little in his seat as he drove.
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"Maybe I could... m-make dinner for us, after?" he offered in a shrill voice, nervousness evident.
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noticed, the nerves, but didn't comment, not wanting to make it worse. "That would be wonderful."
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He offered a small smile, averting his gaze. "I'm a good cook, I-I promise..."
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"Heh, probably better than me, at least!" He smiled, parking as they reached the park.
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Lovino grimaced at the thought of Finnish food. He held the soccer ball closer to him, glancing at his feet and wondering if he should have
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worn his cleets...
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wasn't wearing cleats either. And this wasn't professional or anything.. He got out of the car, holding the door again fro the other. "They
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have a small field here."
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He thanked the other for opening the door, resisting the urge to show off by dribbling the ball on his knees. "Okay..."
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locked the door before heading over to the field. "I haven'y play ing...a really long time.."
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"That's alright..." he assured, trailing after the other and willing away a pink flush.
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smiled to the other. "So we maybe should start with the basics..."
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Lovino nodded, and held up the soccer ball for display. "T-this is um, the ball..."
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smiled, nodding. He didn't mean *this* basic, but he didn't mind.
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"And um... when you pass, you kick with the inside of your foot..." Well… at least he was trying?
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nodded as well. "Maybe we should try it out?"
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Lovino nodded, shakily placing the ball on the ground. "Sh-should I show you?"
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"Mmhm! Please. I'm better at learning something if I'm shown it anyways."
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Lovino lined up where he wanted the ball to go, and kicked with the inside of his foot, making sure to follow through with the leg motion.
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watched him, stopping the ball and kicking it back, doing his best to mimic the other's motions.
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"...Good." It had never been more painful to lie before. "Try again?"
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grinned, kicking the ball again. Yeah. Easy to tell he hadn't played in years.
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[[gsdejh; /No idea it was her turn]]
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"Better..." Lovino retrieved the ball, kicking it back to Tino to show him again how it was done.
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watched a little closer his time. His next kick was better. nothing amazing, but much better than before.
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Lovino appreciated improvement, and was sure that with practice, Tino could get the hang of it. "Want me to show you a laces kick, now...?"
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nodded with a grin, clearly excited that he was getting better.
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"This is for like, kicking it into the goal..." He approached the ball and, angling his foot so the top was lined up with the ball, gave it
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a sharp kick that sent it flying.
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watched him, trying to take in how to other did that. It didn't look too hard..
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He got the ball and brought it back, passing it the the Finn. "Y-you try?"
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nodded, setting down the ball. he took a moment to remember how Lovino did it, and tried to mimic that action.
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Lovino winced, the ball barely moving. "....G-good effort...?"
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smiled weakly. "Heh...told you I was out of practice..."
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"That's... no, um..." He trailed off, and simply got the ball again, giving it to the other.
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looked a bit embarrassed when the other returned. This wasn't really...happening like he had pictured it.
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Lovino fidgeted and flushed pink. He knew he had to do something to relieve the awkward tension, but... he was never good at that sort of
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thing, really...
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opened his mouth to say something...when there was a sudden deep rumble, and it got fairly dark...
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His eyes went wide, and Lovino froze up completely, shaking. W-was that... thunder?
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And then a massive downpour, out of nowhere, hit. And hit hard. Tino grabbed Lovino's hand and hurried back to the car, unlocking the
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other's door and making sure he was in before he got into the driver's seat.
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Lovino had gone into shock, curled into a ball and trembling violently on the car seat. He was absolutely terrified of thunderstorms, trying
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not to cry as he hyperventilated.
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had not expected that at all...He turned his car on and hurried off. He pulled up to an apartment building. "Hey...hey Lovino? Come on, my
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place was closer..."
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Still shaking, he managed to uncurl just enough to glance up at the other, eyes puffy red and cheeks tear-stained.
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felt horrible for the other. He had no idea... "Here, I'll turn the TV up loud or something.." He reached out to help Lovinio out of the
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car. Boy was he glad he was just above the parking garage.
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Lovino clung to his... boyfriend?, shaking and crying out in fear as another clap of thunder boomed, practically shaking the ground.
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"Shh, shh.." He tried to calm him a little, hurrying him through the torrential downpour and into his small, but upscale, apartment.
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The other somehow managed to get Lovino into the apartment, the brunette practically welded to him and shaking like a leaf in a hurricane.
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"It's okay, it's okay." He said, over and over, getting Lovino to the couch and getting him a blanket. He turned the TV on and up a bit loud
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in hopes of drowning out the scary noise.
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He clung to the blankets, weakly whispering apologies, sniffling. The thunder was slightly drowned out, but the lightning scared him too.
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"It's okay." He assured him, closing the curtains. "Do you want me to make you something?" He just wanted to help Lovino calm down.
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He buried his face in the blankets, nodding weakly. He felt bad, but he was paralyzed with fear because of the storm...
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left for a few moments before returning with a mug of hot chocolate. "Can I do anything to help...?"
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Lovino bit his lower lips and opened his arms, not even taking the cocoa. He was probably shaking too hard to drink it right then.
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[[*lip fff]]
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set it down on the coffee table, sitting beside the other and wrapping his arms around him
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He curled against the other, face burying into his chest and trembling. A boom of thunder made him sob weakly, whimpering nonstop.
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held him close, rubbing his back before gently stroking his hair. He hoped this storm would pass. The rain could stay, but the rest, no.
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This continued for at least an hour, but eventually the storm faded away, simply turning into a light drizzle.
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stayed there with his arms around the other, holding onto him until he was calm. It was nice to be this close, really.
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He started to move and fidget a bit in the other's arms, flushed and embarrassed over how childish he'd acted. "I-I'm so sorry..."
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"It's fine, really." He smiled, pulled back a little. "Are you okay now?"
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"Yeah... but I'm cold..." he breathed out, snuggling closer. It was a lie.
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"Well, I'm here." He smiled, snuggling close as well, wrapping the big blanket around both of them*
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His heart was beating fast and his cheeks were flushed, but he sucked it up and rested his head on Tino's shoulder, arms looping around the
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blonde. "Thanks..."
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"You're welcome." He smiled. Well, he hadn't expected their little date to end up here. But he couldn't complain.
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After a few minutes of quiet, he fidgeted awkwardly, feeling out of place. Was this really okay?
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"...Is something wrong?" He frowned a little, concerned.
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"Ah, n-no..." He forced himself to calm down, eyes shutting as he moved even closer.
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smiled, shifting a little and pressing a small kiss tot he top of Lovino's head.
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He blushed, but, encouraged by the forehead peck, he leaned up and kissed the other chastely on the lips.
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smiled even more, returning the innocent kiss, trying to hide that his heart felt like it was going to explode it was going so fast.
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"Mnn..." As the kiss lengthened, it grew less and less innocent, Lovino's lips slowly starting to move. And not to mention how lewd he was
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behaving, without even knowing. The soft moans and way he squirmed in delight, eyes slipping shut...
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shivered slightly at those moans, moving his mouth against the other's, slipping his tongue in to bump and rub against Lovino's. His arms
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tightened a little around the other. Oh, he liked where this was going..
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Lovino's toes curled as a soft groan escaped him in the kiss, shuddering. He'd probably never kissed anyone this passionately before, which
Lovino was
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just a bit scary for him, but it was too good to stop...
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moaned softly as well, slowly beginning to tug the other into his lap. He wanted Lovino closer, as close as he could be...
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Before he could even register it, he was in the other's lap, pressed flush against him and kissing him like no tomorrow. Lovino pulled away
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for a moment to pant raggedly, and delved right back into the kiss, eyes slipping shut.
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One hand rested against the other's lower back, the other slowly sliding up to slip into his hair. God this was...so nice.
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Lovino daringly nipped at the Finn's lips, legs shifting to straddle the blonde male's lap. His own arms traveled to the other's neck and
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looped around it, using the anchor to press closer.
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made a small, very pleased, sound at that nip. His fingers began to creep up under the Italian's shirt.
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His breath hitched in his throat, brows furrowing when the fingers slid under his top. He couldn't help a soft moan, eyes shutting and face
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flushing pink in pleasure.
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curled his fingers a little against the other's side, breaking the kiss for just a moment to catch his breath, also quite red in the face.
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"...You t-taste good..." he panted unintelligently, the only thing that had come to his mind. He looked almost feverish with how much he was
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13 years ago
"S-so do you..." He hesitated for a only a moment before kissing him again, and then on the corner of his mouth, and then his jaw, slowly
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working his way to Lovnio's neck.
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His eyes hazed over in confusion, but when Tino started to trail kisses down to his neck the confusion faded quickly to lust, a moan forcing
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out of him.
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began to nip a nibble along the other male's neck. When he spoke his tone had dropped a little obvious he was just as lustful. "I want you."
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Lovino froze up, stomach leaping with butterflies and cheeks going crimson. "Y-you... want..." He couldn't believe it, heart racing and body
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quivering just faintly. W-was he going to lose his virginity?
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gave a small nod, sucking lightly where the other's neck met his shoulder. "We don't have to go all they way..." He really did like Lovino,
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and it didn't want to rush this but...he really did want him.
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He panted raggedly, the Finn's ministrations making coherent thought a bit difficult and-- o-oh, god. Were his pants always that tight? "Are
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w-we... ah... m-moving too fast...?"
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Maybe they were. He wasn't sure. "Not if you want it too.." He knee people who gave up more for a lot less, but he really was keenly into
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Lovino, and it wasn't like he was about to ignore after they had sex. If he only wanted that he would have taken the other out to a bar
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their first night together.
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"I just... don't want to mess us up," he admitted, averting his gaze and blushing. "I... I r-really like... you..." It took all his nerves
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to whisper those words.
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blushed very red, lifting his head to kiss the other again, just briefly. "I really like you too.."
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"As long as y-you don't... forget about me," he mumbled softly, moving down to suck and lap at the Finn's Adam's apple.
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closed his eyes, moaning softly at that attention. "Promise I won't." He sighed softly, stroking the other's side.
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"Mhn..." He nibbled and sucked at his boyfriend's jawline, showing his pleasure at the response. "Then you can d-do what you... w-want…" He
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couldn't stop his heart from racing when he said that, though.
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"O-okay." Though he wouldn't actually do anything without the other's permission. His hand dipped a little lower, toying with the edge of
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the Italian's pants.
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He flushed bright red at that, lips pressing together as he bit down a noise. Lovino was practically hyperventilating, he was so nervous, a
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thousand doubts running through his head.
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"Relax." He said softly, hand trailing down the other's back."We can go slow." Even though he was so damn hard already...
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Lovino shifted, and his eyes went wide as he bumped into the exact problem Tino was thinking about. He squeaked shrilly, stammering. "Wha--"
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tried not to smirk, instead he pressed his hips up, own bulge obvious. "We don't even have to go all the way."
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He let out a shrill cry when the other's hips pressed up, going limp against him. He was beyond inexperienced in this... "I-I've never...."
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"Have you...by yourself...?" Surely at least the other masturbated? Tino would be happy with just a handjob, really.
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He flushed bright red, trembling with embarrassment. "W-well... 'c-'course..." he whispered out, staring at a couch cushion.
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"Well, we'll just that then, okay?" His hand slid in, palming the Italian through his shorts.
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Lovino cried out sharply, body spasming at the sudden touch and reflexively trying to squirm away. "Ah--!"
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Wow he was...sensitive.. "Shh..." He slid his palm over the bulge, touch light and gentle.
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He continued to mewl and cry out, face burying in the Finn's chest, blushing with shame when his hips bucked forward into Tino's hand.
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But damn...that was hot. And the fact that the Finn got so turned on by sound... He tugged the edge of the other's shorts and underwear down
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to expose Lovinio's hard length, gently wrapping his fingers around the shaft.
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His breath hitched and he bit down on the other's chest as he cried out, tiny body squirming in arousal. No one other than himself had ever
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touched him there like that, the small Italian going mad with ecstasy.
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moaned deeply, his hips bucking up slightly at the bite, closing his eyes for a moment. He never would have thought he'd get himself a
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virgin. This could be fun. "Ah...Lovino, can you scoot back, just a little?"
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Scoot back? But he did as Tino asked, blushing and moving. If the other had decided he wanted to go all the way, then Lovino didn't mind...
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and his fumble a bit before he opened his pants and pulled his own cock out. He tugged the Italian close again and wrapped his fingers
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around both of their erections, pressing the undersides together, moaning softly.
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"A-ah--" He cried out sharply, writhing as the other pressed their erections together, trembling violently. His eyes were hazy with lust,
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and the brunette had to gasp just to take a breath. Hips bucking forward, he blushed with embarrassment that he couldn't stop himself from
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that reflex.
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gasped and moaned as the other rocked against him. He was no about to complain about that reflex, not when it felt so good for him too. He
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took a moment before beginning to slowly stroke them together.
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He clung to the other so tightly that his arms were probably losing circulation, crying out as Tino started to move his hand. "A-ah-- mhn,
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f-fuck...!" His small frame spasmed hard, orifice twitching.
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squeezed his finger a little tighter as they passed over the cockheads, panting a little against the other's ear. "God.."
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Lovino cried out harshly, hips jerking forward hard as he trembled, member beginning to leak precum. He was lost in a lust-filled daze, toes
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curled and body coursing with arousal.
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slid his tongue along the shell of the other man's ear, sucking lightly on the lobe. God he wanted to be *in* the other, but he didn't want
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to push the virgin too fast.
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It had to be near impossible for the blonde to resist taking his virginity; he was so adorable like this that anyone would want to see more
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of the behavior. "*Tino*..." he gasped out, ear tilting into the ministrations.
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shuddered, biting his lip for a moment. "Lovi..." He sighed out. "I...I want...to move this to the bedroom..."
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Eyelashes fluttering, it took him a second to register the words before blushing and nodding his agreement. Though he clung to the other to
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make it clear that he couldn't walk.
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felt his heart jump into his throat. He nodded, putting his arms around the other. He held onto him tightly as he picked him up, hurrying as
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quickly as he could to get to the bedroom. He set the other down on the bed, climbing on after him.
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Well, at least the bed was comfy. He blushed bright red, legs shutting to hide his erection, suddenly shy about the other seeing it.
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leaned down and kissed him passionately, gently pulling his knees apart to settle between them.
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He moaned weakly, but the kiss distracted him from protesting much and the Finn settled between his legs easily, Lovino's lips parting for
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the other.
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slid his tongue into the the other's mouth, rubbing the slick muscles against each other. He began to slowly try and work his shorts off.
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Lovino moaned, arms latching onto the other as the kiss deepened, soft lips pressing harder. His heart was beating so loud he could almost
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hear it.
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had to shift a little to pull Lovino's shorts and underwear off, but he did his best to not break the kiss as he did so. He slid his hands
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up over the Italian's thighs.
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A shudder went down his spine and he moaned weakly, blushing bright as the hands grazed over his thighs, kiss growing a bit sloppy when his
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attention was distracted.
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broke the kiss to mouth along the other's neck, fingers starting to work up the other's shirt before kissing his chest.
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He shuddered again and squirmed weakly, erection standing stiff and proud as the brunette grew gradually more horny. "N-ngh, ahn..."
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flicked his tongue over one of Lovino's nipples, tracing his tongue around it, glancing up at him as a hand tweaked the other nipple.
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He couldn't have reacted more erotically. Lovino cried out shrilly, writhing and pressing his chest into the Finn's mouth, eyes shut tight
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and cheeks crimson as he mewled. His legs spread wider, toes curling and feet digging into the mattress.
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moaned, grazing his teeth over the sensitive nub as he pulled back, still tweaking the other, as he began to kiss down over the Italian's
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ribs and then his stomach..
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His breathing was heavy and ragged, body shaking under all the attention. He didn't think he'd ever been this turned on before, and it made
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him so embarrassed to think that he would die to at least be fingered right now (an act that he was familiar with, well, when solo).
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fumbled a little with his free hand, getting something from his nightstand. A little tub. Lubricant. He had to stop abusing the other's
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nipple to get the tub open. He made up for it however, sliding his tongue along the underside of Lovino's erection.
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His hips bucked up and Lovino let out a sharp cry, body dissolving into weak trembles and desperate whimpers. He felt so helpless...
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coated a few fingers very well, sliding them along the cleft of the other's ass, rubbing gently just over the tight entrance. "Have you ever
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done anything like this...?"
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He went stiff when the fingers rubbed over his entrance, eyes going wide and body shaking as a mewl forced out of him. He almost died at the
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question. "I-I-- I-- th-that, um...--"
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interpreted that as he had never done anything. So he would be very careful. "I'll go slow. Just try and stay relaxed, okay?" He began to
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press in one finger, slowly, gently, stopping when he reached the first knuckle.
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The tight hole offered some resistance, but gave way when the finger pushed hard enough. The finger slid in, but instead of reacting like a
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virgin as one would think, Lovino mewled lewdly, entrance muscles hugging the digit tight. The Finn's fingers were wider than his own...
Tino was
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a bit surprised. Oh? "You've done this before?" He asked, slowl pressing in up to the second knuckle.
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His cheeks went even darker with embarrassment, though he couldn't dwell long before he cried out, legs spreading as the finger pushed all
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the way in, making him tremble.
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had never seen anything so sexy before. He slowly began to move the finger in and out, watching the way that tight muscle swallowed up his
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digit. After a moment he began to press in a second finger.
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His breath hitched and his eyes went wide, orifice resisting the second finger's penetration. He'd never gone over one finger...
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pressed just a little harder until the muscle gave way, at least to the first knuckle. "Let me know if it's too much.."
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A shrill cry burst out of him, body spasming and writhing, legs spreading wider. It felt inappropriate but *so* amazing, even when it was
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forced in.
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pressed the finger in as far as the other. He then gently curled his fingers, rubbing along his inner walls, trying to find that spot...
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Lovino simply moaned and squirmed a bit when the pads of Tino's fingers rubbed along his inner walls. It felt sort of good, tight heat being
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rubbed at and sending tingles up his spine. The pleasured peace was gone in an instant, though, when that one spot was rubbed over. His hips
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jammed down and the male screamed at the top of his lungs.
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There it was! Tino moaned softly. He still gently rubbed that part, beginning to press the third and final finger in, hoping the pleasure
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would make the final digit a bit easier.
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He was still screaming and spasming when the third finger pushed in, convulsing inner walls practically begging it to go deeper. If the male
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kept rubbing at his prostate like that, Lovino would come...
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couldn't have that! After a couple more moments with withdrew his fingers, getting a condom out of his bedside table and quickly putting it
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on. He shifted, getting on his knees and pulling Lovino's hips up a little into his lap, lining himself up. "This may hurt a little.."
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He looked a bit scared, and very nervous, but Lovino shut his eyes tight and nodded his consent.
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leaned up and kissed Lovino gently, holding the other's hips and he slowly began to push inside. And holy *fuck* did the other feel amazing!
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Tino, however, did *not* feel amazing, at least not then. His inner muscles clamped down and Lovino went stiff, trembling. His eyes watered
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up in agony as he was painfully stretched.
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"Relax, relax." He breathed, kissing the Italian's cheeks, rubbing his hip. He wasn't going to go any further until Lovino was ready. H
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He grasped his dick and began to gently stroke him.
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"Ah..." He wriggled weakly when the other stroked his stiff member, legs spreading wider and offering some sweet relief to the pain of being
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stretched by Tino's cock.
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continued to gently stroke him, watching him carefully. "Just let me know when you're ready, okay?"
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He whimpered and nodded, taking the next few minutes to relax around the other and get used to him. "O-okay..."
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"Tell me if it's too much, okay?" He said before he began moving, though each roll of his hips we slow and careful.
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He whimpered weakly, hands curling into fists, but he tried to force himself to withstand the pain as Tino rolled his hips.
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moaned softly, keeping his movements gentle for now. He continued to lazily stroke Lovino for the moment.]
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((go away bracket. ><;-))
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Before he knew it, the pain had subsided completely, orifice adjusting to being forced into. He found himself rocking his hips down gently,
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a pleasured moan leaving the artist's lips.
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Perfect. The moan caused him to do the same, angling his hips a little, rocking just a bit quicker. "Nng..."
13 years ago
13 years ago
[[Eeep oxo /Will reply when not doing cosplay stuff with younger sis =w=]]
13 years ago
[[okay <33]]
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"T-Tino...!" He squirmed on the sheets as the other started to go faster, toes curling and eyes locking on the ceiling as he panted.
13 years ago
"Oh Lovi..." He breathed, thrusting a bit harder, moaning softly. He adjusted his angle, trying to find just the right spot...
13 years ago
[[just seeing if you'd like to continue this~]]
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