Rose40 is
13 years ago
Suggestions for a H.S. Musical. I am loaded with boys and have very few girls. A very conservative community. I really need ideas
latest #8
dorspa says
13 years ago
liked your ideas of Wizard of Oz or Oklahoma :-)
sdinkel says
13 years ago
too bad you couldn't collaborate with SFCHS drama dept and do one together! That would be a blast!!
mindelei says
13 years ago
Music Man
mindelei says
13 years ago
7 Brides for 7 Brothers (too many girls?)
msd4 says
13 years ago
Once Upon a Mattress
msd4 says
13 years ago
Fiddler on the Roof?
Rose40 says
13 years ago
collaborating is definitely something I have thought of. I am not sure how it would work. Lots of planning.
msd4 says
13 years ago
Singing in the Rain
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