Amberkins wonders
15 years ago
if anyone is reading any good books she should know about??
latest #25
15 years ago
recomends Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
nSaul says
15 years ago
or Anthem was great by Rand. I'm reading Jitterbug Perfume right now, by Tom Robbins. It's phenomenal
15 years ago
Anthem is good!! i think i liked 1984 better though.The fountain head is amazing too,pretty much anything Rand is worth the time to read
nSaul says
15 years ago
fur sheez ever read Palahnuik?
15 years ago
I highly recomend John Green as an author
Amberkins says
15 years ago
she has never heard of Palahnuik or John green. =(
nSaul says
15 years ago
Chuck Palahnuik is a great author, Lullaby or Choke were good books
Amberkins says
15 years ago
OMG i just bought choke and fight club!!! Im an idiot! i just didn't recognize the name.
nSaul says
15 years ago
I haven't read Survivor. but have you read The Savage Detectives? have you seen the movie Choke?
Amberkins says
15 years ago
im saving the movie till after i read the book =(
saraharas says
15 years ago
Uglies by Westerfeld
saraharas says
15 years ago
just wait till you read Extras then
saraharas says
15 years ago
did you read Peeps? You could alternate between the two. Kinda like a pick-me-up
nSaul says
15 years ago
Read Cats Cradle before Slaughterhouse Five!
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