it's 5:05 and cant wait until 5:50 cause then it will be all over with
latest #18
i'm gonna practice saying "YOU'RE FIRED" like Donald Trump
hopes it will be that EASY !!
Corporate hitman - I haz it
you may just need to come here and do it..i think she will still continue to STALK us
5:14 NOW ... Our other partner ALREADY fired her last night !! She wants another chance to plead her case !!
there will be no pleading when she see's us standing next to a box with all her SHIT in it
recommends that the final check be handed to her
do you have written employee guidelines?
if she signed off that she had read them
check VA law for safe work place environment and anti harrassment
suggests telling her that if she does not vacate the premise that you will have no choice but to have her arrested for trespassing
yeah she signed off on ALL of that ... Thank GOD
and I HOPE it doesnt come to that ... But I will if I have to !!
yes we have ll that stuff, i am not even letting her in the office. if she wants to stand outside the building all night she can
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